比较两个 throwable 的正确方法是什么?

What is the correct way to compare two throwables?

我正在使用 JUnit 规则立即重新 运行 任何失败的测试。我的额外要求是,如果re-运行也失败了,判断他们是否因为同样的原因而失败。

为此,我修改了 this answer 中的代码以记录失败并进行比较。然而,比较 (.equals) 总是评估为 false,尽管它们出于同样的原因而失败。解决此问题的最佳方法是什么?

  private Statement statement(final Statement base, final Description description) {
    return new Statement() {
      public void evaluate() throws Throwable {

        for (int i = 0; i < retryCount; i++) {
          try {
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            System.err.println(description.getDisplayName() + ": run " + (i + 1) + " failed");

            // Compare this error with the one before it.
            if (errors.size() > 0) {
              if (t.equals(errors.get(errors.size() - 1))) {
                System.out.println("The error is the same as the previous one!");
              } else {
                System.out.println("The error is different from the previous one.");

        System.err.println(description.getDisplayName() + ": giving up after " + retryCount
            + " failures");

        // Throw most recent error.
        throw errors.get(errors.size() - 1);

Equals 没有正确实现异常。您必须自己比较消息 and/or 堆栈跟踪。




或通过 instanceof

t instanceof XXXXXXX

如果只想知道 class 的类型,请使用 instance of,例如:

if( t instanceof Throwable){

Throwable 的相等性定义为 "the same Throwable"。 (它比较参考文献。)

"Same reason" 是您需要为您的应用程序考虑和定义的内容。

我们可以定义它的一种方式是 "the same type and loosely the same throw statement":

static boolean sameTypeAndLine(Throwable t1, Throwable t2) {
    if (t1.getClass() == t2.getClass()) {
        StackTraceElement[] trace1 = t1.getStackTrace();
        StackTraceElement[] trace2 = t2.getStackTrace();
        return trace1[0].equals(trace2[0]);
    } else {
        return false;


  • if (bad1 || bad2) {
        // same throw site, different conditions
        throw new Exception(...);
  • // throws NullPointerExeption
    // (was it foo or the result of bar() that was null?)
    Object baz = foo.bar().baz();


class MyException {
    final Reason reason;

    MyException(Reason reason) {
        this.reason = reason;

    // or a class, or whatever you need
    enum Reason {A, B, C}
