
Get time between reaching target (above) and exiting target (below) on chart

下表每秒使用 winforms 计时器更新其值。红线表示恒定的目标测试压力,蓝线是从 PLC 对象读取的实际压力。

Y Axis = Testing Pressure, X Axis = Current Time, chart is updated with winforms timer at Interval = 1000 (every second)

之间经过了多少秒 恒定的所需测试压力。


        chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorY.Position = d;
        chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorY.LineWidth = 1;
        chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorY.LineColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;


                                                                        double plcTestpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble();
                    double reqTestPressure = Convert.ToDouble(txtTestingPressure.Text);

                    if (plcTestpressure > reqTestPressure && !isAboveReq)
                        DateTime aboveReq = new DateTime();
                        aboveReq = DateTime.Now;
                        isAboveReq = true;
                        //this is for checking the plc read pressure
                        string currentpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble().ToString();
                    //check if current pressure is below required and that pressure WAS above required a second ago...
                    if(plcTestpressure < reqTestPressure && isAboveReq)
                        DateTime belowReq = new DateTime();
                        belowReq = DateTime.Now;                    
                        tickCounter = (belowReq - aboveReq).TotalSeconds;
                        isAboveReq = false;

我已经尝试并逐步通过这个块,但它在 tickCounter 中给了我一个误导性的答案(33 秒,你可以在图表上看到已经过去了 5 秒)并且在第一次将 tickCounter 分配给之后, aboveReq 日期时间戳不想更改。


我不得不假设您有多个名为 "aboveReq" 的变量,因为在 "if" 块中声明的变量是块的局部变量。这意味着当您访问第二个 "if" 块中的 "aboveReq" 变量时,您访问的不是同一个变量。

另外 string currentpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble().ToString(); 真的需要在 if 块内(仅在高于目标时跟踪当前压力)吗?

//Outside of method, top of class
private DateTime? _startTime = null;
private DateTime? _endTime = null;

//In method
 string currentpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble().ToString();

 bool breachPressure = plcTestpressure > reqTestPressure;

 if (breachPressure && _startTime == null)
    _startTime = DateTime.Now;
 else if(!breachPressure && _startTime != null)
    _endTime = new DateTime();
    var tickCounter = _endTime.Value.Subtract(_startTime.Value).TotalSeconds;

----------------------------编辑---------------- ----------------------

Am I going about it wrong?

如果您将压力监控逻辑移至单独的 class,将被认为更清洁,从而保持单一责任原则。

您可以通过实施压力监控 class 来做到这一点,该监控会在违反阈值时引发事件 - 类似于 -

        public class PressureObserver
            public event EventHandler<double> OnRaisedAboveThreshhold;
            public event EventHandler<double> OnFellBelowThreshhold;

            public double ThresholdPressure{ get; }

            private double _lastMeasured = 0; //Initial Pressure

            public PressureObserver(double thresholdPressure)
                ThresholdPressure = thresholdPressure;

            public void Observe(double plcTestpressure)
                double pressureDelta = plcTestpressure - _lastMeasured;

                if (pressureDelta > 0) //Pressure climbed
                    if(_lastMeasured < ThresholdPressure &&  //Last measurement was below threshold
                        plcTestpressure > ThresholdPressure) //This one is above, cross made
                        OnRaisedAboveThreshhold?.Invoke(this, plcTestpressure);
                else if(pressureDelta < 0) //Pressure declined
                    if (_lastMeasured > ThresholdPressure &&  //Last measurement was above threshold
                        plcTestpressure < ThresholdPressure) //This one is below, cross made
                        OnFellBelowThreshhold?.Invoke(this, plcTestpressure);

                _lastMeasured = plcTestpressure;


        private PressureObserver _pressureObserver;
        private DateTime _raisedAboveTime;
        private DateTime _fellBelowTime;
        private double _overpressureDuration;


        private void Obs_OnRaisedAboveTreshhold(object sender, double e)
            //Code to do on raised above
            _raisedAboveTime = DateTime.Now;

        private void Obs_OnFellBelowTreshhold(object sender, double e)
            //Code to do on fell below
            _fellBelowTime = DateTime.Now;
            _overpressureDuration = _fellBelowTime.Subtract(_raisedAboveTime).TotalSeconds;

并且在构造函数中您将订阅观察者 class

       _pressureObserver = new PressureObserver(60); //replace 60 with threshold

       _pressureObserver.OnRaisedAboveThreshhold += Obs_OnRaisedAboveTreshhold;
       _pressureObserver.OnFellBelowThreshhold += Obs_OnFellBelowTreshhold;

