如何授予用户查看/编辑 SQL 作业中的高级选项的权限?

How to grant user access to view / edit Advanced option in the SQL Job?

如何在 SQL 代理的 SQL 作业 运行 中授予用户查看/编辑高级选项的权限?

用户可以查看该职位。在作业属性 -> 步骤 -> 高级选项下。



For security reasons, only the job owner or a member of the sysadmin role can change the definition of the job. Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can assign job ownership to other users, and they can run any job, regardless of the job owner.



您可以做的是授予执行 msdb..sp_help_jobsteplog 的权限,这将 return 记录作业步骤的日志。

EXEC dbo.sp_help_jobsteplog @job_name = N'JobName';

或者,您可以授予直接查询 msdb..sysjobstepslogs 的权限,这是存储数据的地方。

SELECT [log]
FROM msdb..sysjobstepslogs JSL
JOIN msdb..sysjobsteps JS
    ON JS.step_uid = JSL.step_uid
JOIN msdb..sysjobs J
    ON J.job_id = JS.job_id
WHERE J.name = N'JobName'