Swift 的 ID3 标签

ID3 tags with Swift

我正在寻找一种使用 Swift 修改 ID3 标签的方法。更具体地说,我想将专辑封面图像写入 mp3/m4a 文件。

一个 Swift 库是最好的,但我会采用任何可以在 Swift 中本地完成的东西。我不想依赖其他语言的库。

我快速浏览了一下 AVFoundation,但看起来它只用于 audio/video 播放和转换。这是我从 ID3 标签中找到的最接近的标签:https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/AVFoundation/Reference/AVAsset_Class/


我一遍又一遍地面对同样的问题,所以我决定为它制作一个 swift 框架。您可以在这里找到它:https://github.com/philiphardy/ID3Edit

将它添加到您的 Xcode 项目中,然后确保通过转到您的项目设置 > 常规 > 嵌入式二进制文件来嵌入它


import ID3Edit
   // Open the file
   let mp3File = try MP3File(path: "/Users/Example/Music/example.mp3")
   // Use MP3File(data: data) data being an NSData object
   // to load an MP3 file from memory
   // NOTE: If you use the MP3File(data: NSData?) initializer make
   //       sure to set the path before calling writeTag() or an
   //       exception will be thrown

   // Get song information

   let artwork = mp3File.getArtwork()

   // Write song information
   mp3File.setTitle("The new song title")
   mp3File.setArtist("The new artist")
   mp3File.setAlbum("The new album")
   mp3File.setLyrics("Yeah Yeah new lyrics")

   if let newArt = NSImage(contentsOfFile: "/Users/Example/Pictures/example.png")
          mp3File.setArtwork(newArt, isPNG: true)
          print("The artwork referenced does not exist.")

   // Save the information to the mp3 file
   mp3File.writeTag() // or mp3.getMP3Data() returns the NSData
                      // of the mp3 file
catch ID3EditErrors.FileDoesNotExist
   print("The file does not exist.")
catch ID3EditErrors.NotAnMP3
   print("The file you attempted to open was not an mp3 file.")
catch {}