
Need to join x axis and y axis label highcharts

我正在尝试连接区域样条图的 x 轴和 y 轴的节点。这是我的 fiddle and also I need to move title and subtitle at the left corner and need to integrate dropdown. Basically I need graph something like this .

Highcharts.chart('container', {
    chart: {
        type: 'areaspline'
    title: {
        text: 'Total Visitors',
        x: 0,
    subtitle: {
      text: 'This is all users that visited your site',
        x: 0,
    xAxis: {
        categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'June', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
    yAxis: {
        title: {
            text: ''
    tooltip: {
        shared: true,
        valueSuffix: ' units'
    credits: {
        enabled: false
    plotOptions: {
        areaspline: {
            fillOpacity: 0.5
        series: {
          marker: {
            enabled: false
          lineWidth: 2,
          states: {
            hover: {
              enabled: false
    series: [{
      lineColor: '#8b8bff',
            color: '#c5c6ff',
            showInLegend: false,
            lineWidth: '4px',
        name: 'John',
        data: [37, 25, 50, 20, 37, 28, 50, 42, 70, 46, 55, 26]

请帮忙 谢谢!!!

要在同一位置开始轴刻度,请将 tickmarkPlacement 设置为 on,并设置 minmax

要将标题和副标题移动到左上角,请使用 align 属性:

title: {
    align: 'left'
subtitle: {
    align: 'left'
xAxis: {
    tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
    min: 0.5,
    max: 10.5,

