文件系统中的 url shorthand 是什么

what is url shorthand in a filesystem

这应该很简单我需要知道 url 中的点是什么意思,例如
"../../../Program Files (x86)/Filed/examples/tmw_desert_spacing.png"

我假设这是某种 shorthand,这意味着 "the same as the current directory"/etc/folder/file.png 一篇 link 的文章解释这也很好,我的 google 搜索没有任何结果,因为我什至不确定这叫做 url。谢谢


根据 RFC 3986:

The path segments "." and "..", also known as dot-segments, are defined for relative reference within the path name hierarchy. They are intended for use at the beginning of a relative-path reference (Section 4.2) to indicate relative position within the hierarchical tree of names.

要点是它们与 linux 或 windows 系统上的路径具有相同的含义 - 单点表示 "the directory specified by the preceding part of the path",两个点表示“父目录”
