jts 将单个多边形转换为多边形
jts convert single polygon to multipolygon
大家好,我正在使用带有 geotools 快照 21 的 JTS 1.15:
我找不到几何 jts uml 图,但我发现了
Polygons 使用 Polygonal 接口扩展了 Geometry class
Multipolygon 扩展了 GeometryCollection,它扩展了 Geometry 并且还具有 Polygonal 接口。
在JTS Geometry Jacadoc中提到了以下内容:
The overlay methods return the most specific class possible to represent the
result. If the result is homogeneous, a Point, LineString, or Polygon
will be returned if the result contains a single element; otherwise, a
MultiPoint, MultiLineString, or MultiPolygon will be returned. If the
result is heterogeneous a GeometryCollection will be returned.
我写了一个简单的字符串操纵器方法来更改我的 wkt 字符串,但是还有其他方法可以实现这个目标吗?
public static MultiPolygon createSPMultiPolygon(Collection<Polygon> polygons, boolean dissolveResult) {
// if emty collection is returned
if (polygons.size() == 0){
//emty collection returns emty MultiPolygon
GeometryFactory geomFactory = new GeometryFactory();
MultiPolygon fail = geomFactory.createMultiPolygon();
return fail;
//it will be assumed that all polygons have the same epsg code
int epsgCode = polygons.iterator().next().getSRID();
prec = new PrecisionModel(1000000)
//creates the factory object
GeometryFactory geomFactory = new GeometryFactory(prec, epsgCode);
MultiPolygon result = null;
// main task
result = (MultiPolygon) geomFactory.buildGeometry(polygons);
if (dissolveResult) {
try {
result = (MultiPolygon) result.union();
// there will be an exception if result or merge is a single polygon that polygon cant be cast to Multipolygon
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
我正在使用以下 Maven 包:
<artifactId>gt-epsg-wkt </artifactId>
String touches1_wkt = "POLYGON ((7.896407750956972 49.73405361813658, 8.14886306623246 49.73405361813658, 8.14886306623246 49.73405361813658, 8.14886306623246 49.46768344296402, 7.902371262341433 49.46569560583586, 7.896407750956972 49.73405361813658))";
String touches2_wkt = "POLYGON ((8.14886306623246 49.61478339044737, 8.39137919586718 49.616771227575526, 8.39137919586718 49.616771227575526, 8.399330544379795 49.35835240091558, 8.14886306623246 49.35835240091558, 8.14886306623246 49.46768344296402, 8.14886306623246 49.61478339044737))";
Polygon touch1 = (Polygon) createSPGeom(touches1_wkt, 4326);
Polygon touch2 = (Polygon) createSPGeom(touches2_wkt, 4326);
Collection<Polygon> polyCollection = new ArrayList<>();
MultiPolygon multi = createSPMultiPolygon(polyCollection, true);
使用以下帮助方法进行 wkt 阅读:
public static Geometry createSPGeom(String wktString, Integer epsgCode){
Geometry returnedGeom =null;
prec = new PrecisionModel(1000000);
GeometryFactory geomFactory = new GeometryFactory(prec, epsgCode);
WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader(geomFactory);
try {
returnedGeom = wktReader.read(wktString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// if wktString is invalid, an emty point geometry is used
returnedGeom = geomFactory.createPoint();
return returnedGeom;
您的 ClassCastException 似乎可以通过检查对 union() returns 的调用是否为多边形来处理。如果是这样,您可以使用仅包含一个多边形的数组调用 GeometryFactorys 的 createMultiPolygon。[1]
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
MultiPolygon mPoly;
if (p instanceOf Polygon){
Polygon[] polys = new Polygon[1];
polys[0] = p;
mPoly = gf.createMultiPolygon(polys);
} else {
mPoly = p;
大家好,我正在使用带有 geotools 快照 21 的 JTS 1.15:
我编写了一个以多边形集合作为输入参数的方法,输出方法是多多边形几何体。这工作正常,无一例外: 我还有一个联合标志,如果重叠或接触,它将联合我的多边形。如果现在所有多边形都重叠,则只会返回一个多边形。但是之后就会出现ClassCastException。
有没有简单的方法可以将单个多边形转换为多边形? 我找不到几何 jts uml 图,但我发现了 Polygons 使用 Polygonal 接口扩展了 Geometry class Multipolygon 扩展了 GeometryCollection,它扩展了 Geometry 并且还具有 Polygonal 接口。
在JTS Geometry Jacadoc中提到了以下内容: 叠加方法
The overlay methods return the most specific class possible to represent the result. If the result is homogeneous, a Point, LineString, or Polygon will be returned if the result contains a single element; otherwise, a MultiPoint, MultiLineString, or MultiPolygon will be returned. If the result is heterogeneous a GeometryCollection will be returned.
我写了一个简单的字符串操纵器方法来更改我的 wkt 字符串,但是还有其他方法可以实现这个目标吗?
public static MultiPolygon createSPMultiPolygon(Collection<Polygon> polygons, boolean dissolveResult) {
// if emty collection is returned
if (polygons.size() == 0){
//emty collection returns emty MultiPolygon
GeometryFactory geomFactory = new GeometryFactory();
MultiPolygon fail = geomFactory.createMultiPolygon();
return fail;
//it will be assumed that all polygons have the same epsg code
int epsgCode = polygons.iterator().next().getSRID();
prec = new PrecisionModel(1000000)
//creates the factory object
GeometryFactory geomFactory = new GeometryFactory(prec, epsgCode);
MultiPolygon result = null;
// main task
result = (MultiPolygon) geomFactory.buildGeometry(polygons);
if (dissolveResult) {
try {
result = (MultiPolygon) result.union();
// there will be an exception if result or merge is a single polygon that polygon cant be cast to Multipolygon
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
我正在使用以下 Maven 包:
<artifactId>gt-epsg-wkt </artifactId>
String touches1_wkt = "POLYGON ((7.896407750956972 49.73405361813658, 8.14886306623246 49.73405361813658, 8.14886306623246 49.73405361813658, 8.14886306623246 49.46768344296402, 7.902371262341433 49.46569560583586, 7.896407750956972 49.73405361813658))";
String touches2_wkt = "POLYGON ((8.14886306623246 49.61478339044737, 8.39137919586718 49.616771227575526, 8.39137919586718 49.616771227575526, 8.399330544379795 49.35835240091558, 8.14886306623246 49.35835240091558, 8.14886306623246 49.46768344296402, 8.14886306623246 49.61478339044737))";
Polygon touch1 = (Polygon) createSPGeom(touches1_wkt, 4326);
Polygon touch2 = (Polygon) createSPGeom(touches2_wkt, 4326);
Collection<Polygon> polyCollection = new ArrayList<>();
MultiPolygon multi = createSPMultiPolygon(polyCollection, true);
使用以下帮助方法进行 wkt 阅读:
public static Geometry createSPGeom(String wktString, Integer epsgCode){
Geometry returnedGeom =null;
prec = new PrecisionModel(1000000);
GeometryFactory geomFactory = new GeometryFactory(prec, epsgCode);
WKTReader wktReader = new WKTReader(geomFactory);
try {
returnedGeom = wktReader.read(wktString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// if wktString is invalid, an emty point geometry is used
returnedGeom = geomFactory.createPoint();
return returnedGeom;
您的 ClassCastException 似乎可以通过检查对 union() returns 的调用是否为多边形来处理。如果是这样,您可以使用仅包含一个多边形的数组调用 GeometryFactorys 的 createMultiPolygon。[1]
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
MultiPolygon mPoly;
if (p instanceOf Polygon){
Polygon[] polys = new Polygon[1];
polys[0] = p;
mPoly = gf.createMultiPolygon(polys);
} else {
mPoly = p;