x86 VMCS 字段的编码 "ENCLV-Exiting Bitmap"

Encoding for x86 VMCS field "ENCLV-Exiting Bitmap"

英特尔® 64 位和 IA-32 架构软件开发人员手册 Volume 3C: System Programming Guide, Part 3 包括以下对虚拟机控制结构 (VMCS) 的控制字段组件的描述:

24.6.17 ENCLV-Exiting Bitmap

The ENCLV-exiting bitmap is a 64-bit field. If the “enable ENCLV exiting” VM-execution control is 1, execution of ENCLV causes a VM exit if the bit in this field corresponding to the value of EAX is 1. If the bit is 0, the instruction executes normally. See Section 25.1.3 for more information.

但是,此字段的编码未在 Volume 3D 的附录 B 中给出(人们希望它列在 Table B-4“64 位控制字段的编码”中").


在我向英特尔报告遗漏后,SDM 072 版已更新 Table B-4 中的以下信息:

Field Name                  | Index      | Encoding
ENCLV-exiting bitmap (full) | 000011011B | 00002036H
ENCLV-exiting bitmap (high) |            | 00002037H

This field exists only on processors that support the 1-setting of the “enable ENCLV exiting” VM-execution control.