使用 Node.JS 更新 SQL (better-sqlite3) 中的值

Updating a value in SQL (better-sqlite3) with Node.JS


  const id = parseInt(req.params.id , 10);
  const { valid, messageObj } = validateId(id);
  if (!valid) {

  let { status, priority } = req.body;
  let people = db.prepare('select * from people').all();
  const person = people.find(person => person.id === id);    

  if(status !== 'none' & status == 'ready' || status == 'done'){
    let updates = db.query(
        'UPDATE people SET ? WHERE ?', 
         [{ status: status }, { id: id }]

我一直收到 db.query is not a function 错误,但我尝试的每个功能都会出现该错误。

对 SQL 很陌生,但只是想弄清楚这个问题或任何对我有帮助的文档,因为 better-sqlite3 在官方文档中没有任何 update 函数。

我在 better-sqlite3 API for the Database class. I think that you would need to prepare() a Statement object, then run() 中找不到名为 query() 的函数。


UPDATE people SET status = ? WHERE name = ?


let updates = 
    db.query('UPDATE people SET ? WHERE ?', [{ status: status }, { id: id }]);


const stmt = db.prepare('UPDATE people SET status = ? WHERE id = ?'); 
const updates = stmt.run(status, id);