
Why is the opacity of my ellipse changing automatically when I don't actually change it in the code?

我的 Windows 通用应用程序中有一个椭圆,我想在鼠标进入和离开该椭圆时更改其填充颜色。我只想改变颜色,别无其他。但是,每当我输入鼠标时,不透明度会自动降低。你能找出我代码中的问题吗?



        <Ellipse x:Name="glamourEllipse" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="226" Margin="594,260,0,0" Stroke="#FFB43F3F" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="226" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" UseLayoutRounding="False" d:LayoutRounding="Auto" Tapped="glamour_Tapped">
                <SolidColorBrush Color="#FFB43C3C"/>
                <CompositeTransform Rotation="-90.254"/>


    SolidColorBrush hoverBrush = new SolidColorBrush();

    private void mouse_Enter(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)

        hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 140, 40, 40);
        hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
        nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;


    private void mouse_Exit(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)

        hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 180, 60, 60);
        hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
        nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;


<SolidColorBrush Color="#FFB43C3C"/>

此行将颜色设置为 255 alpha, 180 red, 60 green and 60 blue。另一方面,您的代码:

hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 140, 40, 40);
hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(100, 180, 60, 60);

这两行都指定了 100alpha。现在,在我们的 decimal 数学系统中,这将是完全有效的并且意味着 100% 不透明度,但在计算机的 8-bit32-bit 世界中,它不是。基本上,该代码将 alpha 设置为 64 十六进制。 (把XAML里面的FF改一下,你会看到透明度是一样的。)

Color.FromArgb 的重载期望 0 是透明的,而 255 是不透明的。


基本上,将这两行 Color.FromArgb 中的 100 更改为 255,你就成功了。

private void mouse_Enter(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 140, 40, 40);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;

private void mouse_Exit(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 180, 60, 60);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;


private void mouse_Enter(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(140, 40, 40);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;

private void mouse_Exit(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(180, 60, 60);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;



private void mouse_Enter(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x8C, 0x28, 0x28);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;

private void mouse_Exit(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xB4, 0x3C, 0x3C);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;


private void mouse_Enter(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(0x8C, 0x28, 0x28);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;

private void mouse_Exit(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e)
    hoverBrush.Color = Color.FromArgb(0xB4, 0x3C, 0x3C);
    hoverBrush.Opacity = 1;
    nsfwEllipse.Fill = hoverBrush;