使用 Sparklyr 查找每组的动态间隔
Find dynamic intervals per group with Sparklyr
我有一个巨大的(约 100 亿行)data.frame,看起来有点像这样:
data <- data.frame(Person = c(rep("John", 9), rep("Steve", 7), rep("Jane", 4)),
Year = c(1900:1908, 1902:1908, 1905:1908),
Grade = c(c(6,3,4,4,8,5,2,9,7), c(4,3,5,5,6,4,7), c(3,7,2,9)) )
这是一组在不同年份观察到的 3 个人,我们有他们当年的成绩。我想创建一个变量,对于每个年级,returns "a simplified grade"。简化等级只是按不同间隔切割的等级。
list.threshold <- list(John = c(5,7), Steve = 4, Jane = c(3,5,8))
因此,Steve 的成绩将被削减 2 个区间,而 Jane 的成绩将被削减 4 个区间。
这是想要的结果 (SimpleGrade):
Person Year Grade SimpleGrade
1: John 1900 6 1
2: John 1901 3 0
3: John 1902 4 0
4: John 1903 4 0
5: John 1904 8 2
6: John 1905 5 1
7: John 1906 2 0
8: John 1907 9 2
9: John 1908 7 2
10: Steve 1902 4 1
11: Steve 1903 3 0
12: Steve 1904 5 1
13: Steve 1905 5 1
14: Steve 1906 6 1
15: Steve 1907 4 1
16: Steve 1908 7 1
17: Jane 1905 3 1
18: Jane 1906 7 2
19: Jane 1907 2 0
20: Jane 1908 9 3
我将不得不在 sparklyr 中找到解决方案,因为我正在使用巨大的火花 table。
在 dplyr 中我会做这样的事情:
data <- group_by(data, Person) %>%
mutate(SimpleGrade = cut(Grade, breaks = c(-Inf, list.threshold[[unique(Person)]], Inf), labels = FALSE, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE) - 1)
它有效,但我在 sparklyr 中转换此解决方案时遇到问题,因为每个人的阈值不同。我想我将不得不使用 ft_bucketizer 函数。到目前为止我对 sparklyr 的看法:
spark_tbl <- group_by(spark_tbl, Person) %>%
ft_bucketizer(input_col = "Grade",
output_col = "SimpleGrade",
splits = c(-Inf, list.threshold[["John"]], Inf))
spark_tbl 只是数据的 spark table 等价物。
如果我不更改阈值并仅使用 John 的阈值,它就会起作用。
非常感谢,Tom C.
Spark ML Bucketizer
只能用于全局操作,因此它对您不起作用。相反,您可以创建一个引用 table
ref <- purrr::map2(names(list.threshold),
function(name, brks) purrr::map2(
c("-Infinity", brks), c(brks, "Infinity"),
function(low, high) list(
name = name,
low = low,
high = high))) %>%
purrr::flatten() %>%
bind_rows() %>%
group_by(name) %>%
arrange(low, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
mutate(simple_grade = row_number() - 1) %>%
copy_to(sc, .) %>%
mutate_at(vars(one_of("low", "high")), as.numeric)
# Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
name low high simple_grade
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Jane -Inf 3 0
2 Jane 3 5 1
3 Jane 5 8 2
4 Jane 8 Inf 3
5 John -Inf 5 0
6 John 5 7 1
7 John 7 Inf 2
8 Steve -Inf 4 0
9 Steve 4 Inf 1
然后 left_join
它与数据 table:
sdf <- copy_to(sc, data)
simplified <- left_join(sdf, ref, by=c("Person" = "name")) %>%
filter(Grade >= low & Grade < High) %>%
select(-low, -high)
# Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
Person Year Grade simple_grade
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 John 1900 6 1
2 John 1901 3 0
3 John 1902 4 0
4 John 1903 4 0
5 John 1904 8 2
6 John 1905 5 1
7 John 1906 2 0
8 John 1907 9 2
9 John 1908 7 2
10 Steve 1902 4 1
# … with more rows
simplified %>% dbplyr::remote_query_plan()
== Physical Plan ==
*(2) Project [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134, simple_grade#15]
+- *(2) BroadcastHashJoin [Person#132], [name#12], Inner, BuildRight, ((Grade#134 >= low#445) && (Grade#134 < high#446))
:- *(2) Filter (isnotnull(Grade#134) && isnotnull(Person#132))
: +- InMemoryTableScan [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134], [isnotnull(Grade#134), isnotnull(Person#132)]
: +- InMemoryRelation [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
: +- Scan ExistingRDD[Person#132,Year#133,Grade#134]
+- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[0, string, true]))
+- *(1) Project [name#12, cast(low#13 as double) AS low#445, cast(high#14 as double) AS high#446, simple_grade#15]
+- *(1) Filter ((isnotnull(name#12) && isnotnull(cast(high#14 as double))) && isnotnull(cast(low#13 as double)))
+- InMemoryTableScan [high#14, low#13, name#12, simple_grade#15], [isnotnull(name#12), isnotnull(cast(high#14 as double)), isnotnull(cast(low#13 as double))]
+- InMemoryRelation [name#12, low#13, high#14, simple_grade#15], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
+- Scan ExistingRDD[name#12,low#13,high#14,simple_grade#15]
我有一个巨大的(约 100 亿行)data.frame,看起来有点像这样:
data <- data.frame(Person = c(rep("John", 9), rep("Steve", 7), rep("Jane", 4)),
Year = c(1900:1908, 1902:1908, 1905:1908),
Grade = c(c(6,3,4,4,8,5,2,9,7), c(4,3,5,5,6,4,7), c(3,7,2,9)) )
这是一组在不同年份观察到的 3 个人,我们有他们当年的成绩。我想创建一个变量,对于每个年级,returns "a simplified grade"。简化等级只是按不同间隔切割的等级。 困难在于间隔因人而异。 要按人获取间隔阈值,我有以下列表:
list.threshold <- list(John = c(5,7), Steve = 4, Jane = c(3,5,8))
因此,Steve 的成绩将被削减 2 个区间,而 Jane 的成绩将被削减 4 个区间。 这是想要的结果 (SimpleGrade):
Person Year Grade SimpleGrade
1: John 1900 6 1
2: John 1901 3 0
3: John 1902 4 0
4: John 1903 4 0
5: John 1904 8 2
6: John 1905 5 1
7: John 1906 2 0
8: John 1907 9 2
9: John 1908 7 2
10: Steve 1902 4 1
11: Steve 1903 3 0
12: Steve 1904 5 1
13: Steve 1905 5 1
14: Steve 1906 6 1
15: Steve 1907 4 1
16: Steve 1908 7 1
17: Jane 1905 3 1
18: Jane 1906 7 2
19: Jane 1907 2 0
20: Jane 1908 9 3
我将不得不在 sparklyr 中找到解决方案,因为我正在使用巨大的火花 table。
在 dplyr 中我会做这样的事情:
data <- group_by(data, Person) %>%
mutate(SimpleGrade = cut(Grade, breaks = c(-Inf, list.threshold[[unique(Person)]], Inf), labels = FALSE, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE) - 1)
它有效,但我在 sparklyr 中转换此解决方案时遇到问题,因为每个人的阈值不同。我想我将不得不使用 ft_bucketizer 函数。到目前为止我对 sparklyr 的看法:
spark_tbl <- group_by(spark_tbl, Person) %>%
ft_bucketizer(input_col = "Grade",
output_col = "SimpleGrade",
splits = c(-Inf, list.threshold[["John"]], Inf))
spark_tbl 只是数据的 spark table 等价物。 如果我不更改阈值并仅使用 John 的阈值,它就会起作用。
非常感谢,Tom C.
Spark ML Bucketizer
只能用于全局操作,因此它对您不起作用。相反,您可以创建一个引用 table
ref <- purrr::map2(names(list.threshold),
function(name, brks) purrr::map2(
c("-Infinity", brks), c(brks, "Infinity"),
function(low, high) list(
name = name,
low = low,
high = high))) %>%
purrr::flatten() %>%
bind_rows() %>%
group_by(name) %>%
arrange(low, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
mutate(simple_grade = row_number() - 1) %>%
copy_to(sc, .) %>%
mutate_at(vars(one_of("low", "high")), as.numeric)
# Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
name low high simple_grade
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Jane -Inf 3 0
2 Jane 3 5 1
3 Jane 5 8 2
4 Jane 8 Inf 3
5 John -Inf 5 0
6 John 5 7 1
7 John 7 Inf 2
8 Steve -Inf 4 0
9 Steve 4 Inf 1
然后 left_join
它与数据 table:
sdf <- copy_to(sc, data)
simplified <- left_join(sdf, ref, by=c("Person" = "name")) %>%
filter(Grade >= low & Grade < High) %>%
select(-low, -high)
# Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
Person Year Grade simple_grade
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 John 1900 6 1
2 John 1901 3 0
3 John 1902 4 0
4 John 1903 4 0
5 John 1904 8 2
6 John 1905 5 1
7 John 1906 2 0
8 John 1907 9 2
9 John 1908 7 2
10 Steve 1902 4 1
# … with more rows
simplified %>% dbplyr::remote_query_plan()
== Physical Plan ==
*(2) Project [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134, simple_grade#15]
+- *(2) BroadcastHashJoin [Person#132], [name#12], Inner, BuildRight, ((Grade#134 >= low#445) && (Grade#134 < high#446))
:- *(2) Filter (isnotnull(Grade#134) && isnotnull(Person#132))
: +- InMemoryTableScan [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134], [isnotnull(Grade#134), isnotnull(Person#132)]
: +- InMemoryRelation [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
: +- Scan ExistingRDD[Person#132,Year#133,Grade#134]
+- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[0, string, true]))
+- *(1) Project [name#12, cast(low#13 as double) AS low#445, cast(high#14 as double) AS high#446, simple_grade#15]
+- *(1) Filter ((isnotnull(name#12) && isnotnull(cast(high#14 as double))) && isnotnull(cast(low#13 as double)))
+- InMemoryTableScan [high#14, low#13, name#12, simple_grade#15], [isnotnull(name#12), isnotnull(cast(high#14 as double)), isnotnull(cast(low#13 as double))]
+- InMemoryRelation [name#12, low#13, high#14, simple_grade#15], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
+- Scan ExistingRDD[name#12,low#13,high#14,simple_grade#15]