
Why can't I copy a file to a location using an environment variable?

我有这段代码可以复制 outlook PST 文件,当与完整位置文件路径一起使用时,它 运行 非常好。我在第一行向 运行 %UserProfile% 添加了一个方法,因为这需要在来自 GPO 的域上下文中 运行 并且单独执行它是不可行的。这 运行 会关闭 outlook 并在适当的时候重新打开它,但有一点不对劲。

它不再复制相应的文件。我回应了最初的 %userprofile% 部分,它正确地读作 "drive letter"\users\userprofile。我不确定这在哪里中断或如何识别它。

'===================BEGIN MODIFY====================================
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
userProfilePath = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%")

'Set the amount of pst-files you want to copy. Start counting at 0!
ReDim pst(1)

'Define the location of each pst-file to backup. Increase the counter!
pst(0) = "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\PST\Outlook Data File - mike.pst"
pst(1) = "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\PST\Archive.pst"

'Define your backup location
BackupPath = "%UserProfile%\Documents\Outlook Backups\"

'Keep old backups? TRUE/FALSE
KeepHistory = FALSE

'Maximum time in milliseconds for Outlook to close on its own
delay = 30000 'It is not recommended to set this below 8000

'Start Outlook again afterwards? TRUE/FALSE
start = TRUE

'===================STOP MODIFY====================================

'Close Outlook
Call CloseOutlook(delay)

'Outlook is closed, so we can start the backup
Call BackupPST(pst, BackupPath, KeepHistory)

'Open Outlook again when desired.
If start = TRUE Then
  Call OpenOutlook()
End If

Sub CloseOutlook(delay)
  strComputer = "."
  Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
  & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

  'If Outlook is running, let it quit on its own.
  For Each Process in objWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_Process")
    If StrComp(Process.Name,"OUTLOOK.EXE",vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
      Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
      WScript.Sleep delay
      Exit For
    End If

  'Make sure Outlook is closed and otherwise force it.
  Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
  ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'Outlook.exe'")
  For Each objProcess in colProcessList
  Set objWMIService = Nothing
  Set objOutlook = Nothing
  set colProcessList = Nothing
End Sub

Sub BackupPST(pst, BackupPath, KeepHistory)
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  If KeepHistory = True Then
    ArchiveFolder = Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now)
    BackupPath = BackupPath & ArchiveFolder & "\"
  End If

  For Each pstPath in pst
    If fso.FileExists(pstPath) Then
      fso.CopyFile pstPath, BackupPath, True
    End If
  Set fso = Nothing
End Sub

Sub OpenOutlook()
  Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  objShell.Run "Outlook.exe"
End Sub

当您声明userProfilePath = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%")时,您将%UserProfile% 的路径放在名为userProfilePath 的变量中,但之后您不再使用该变量。这是一个问题,因为几行之后,你最终做的是用 %userprofile% 作为字符串声明 pst(#),这是行不通的。

换句话说,%UserProfile% 环境path/string需要扩展才能用作路径

如果您使用声明的 userProfilePath 变量,您的代码将有效:

'Define the location of each pst-file to backup. Increase the counter!
pst(0) = userProfilePath+"\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\PST\Outlook Data File - mike.pst"
pst(1) = userProfilePath+"\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\PST\Archive.pst"

'Define your backup location
BackupPath = userProfilePath"\Documents\Outlook Backups\"


'Define the location of each pst-file to backup. Increase the counter!
pst(0) = "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\PST\Outlook Data File - mike.pst"
pst(1) = "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\PST\Archive.pst"

'Define your backup location
BackupPath = "%UserProfile%\Documents\Outlook Backups\"