如何通过具有不同状态代码的 Nock 对相同 url 进行后续调用

How to do subsequent calls on same url via Nock having different status code

问题: 我想模拟在同一个 http 调用中我得到不同结果的情况。具体来说,第一次失败。 在某种程度上,这类似于 stub.onFirstCall()stub.onSecondCall()Sinon 功能 期待: 我希望如果我在第一次调用时使用 once 并在第二次调用时使用 twice 我将能够完成上述操作。

nock( some_url )
    .post( '/aaaa', bodyFn )
    .reply( 500, resp );
nock( some_url )
    .post( '/aaaa', bodyFn )
    .reply( 200, resp );

正确的方法是简单地 调用 Nock 两次。

nock( some_url )
    .post( '/aaaa', bodyFn )
    .reply( 500, resp );
nock( some_url )
    .post( '/aaaa', bodyFn )
    .reply( 200, resp );

Nock 的工作方式是每次调用都会为 some_url 注册一个拦截器。 事实上,您第一次调用 some_url 将清除第一个拦截器,依此类推。


When you setup an interceptor for a URL and that interceptor is used, it is removed from the interceptor list. This means that you can intercept 2 or more calls to the same URL and return different things on each of them. It also means that you must setup one interceptor for each request you are going to have, otherwise nock will throw an error because that URL was not present in the interceptor list. If you don’t want interceptors to be removed as they are used, you can use the .persist() method.