使用 Django 每小时对行进行分组

Hourly grouping of rows using Django

我一直在尝试使用 DateTimeField 将 table 的结果分组为每小时格式。


SELECT strftime('%H', created_on), count(*)
FROM users_test
GROUP BY strftime('%H', created_on);

此查询工作正常,但相应的 Django 查询不工作。

我试过的 Django 查询:

Test.objects.extra({'hour': 'strftime("%%H", created_on)'}).values('hour').annotate(count=Count('id'))
# SELECT (strftime("%H", created_on)) AS "hour", COUNT("users_test"."id") AS "count" FROM "users_test" GROUP BY (strftime("%H", created_on)), "users_test"."created_on" ORDER BY "users_test"."created_on" DESC

它通过 "users_test"."created_on" 添加了额外的组,我猜这给出了不正确的结果。




参考文献(可能重复)(但 None 提供帮助):

要修复它,请将 order_by() 附加到查询链。这将覆盖模型元默认排序。像这样:

.extra({'hour': 'strftime("%%H", created_on)'})
.order_by()                                        #<------ here

在我的环境中(还有 Postgres):

>>> print ( Material
         .extra({'hour': 'strftime("%%H", data_creacio)'})
         .query )

  SELECT (strftime("%H", data_creacio)) AS "hour", 
         COUNT("material_material"."id") AS "count" 
    FROM "material_material" 
GROUP BY (strftime("%H", data_creacio))

order_by django docs 中了解更多信息:

If you don’t want any ordering to be applied to a query, not even the default ordering, call order_by() with no parameters.

旁注: 使用 extra() 可能会引入 SQL injection vulnerability to your code. Use this with precaution and escape any parameters that user can introduce. Compare with docs:


You should be very careful whenever you use extra(). Every time you use it, you should escape any parameters that the user can control by using params in order to protect against SQL injection attacks . Please read more about SQL injection protection.