App Engine, pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: connection closed,connection closed,connection closed"

App Engine, pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: connection closed,connection closed,connection closed"

我正在使用 Python 3.7 和 Flask 1.0.2

I plugged my app to mongoDB Atlas, and all works fine in local

client = pymongo.MongoClient(connector)


connector = "mongodb://xxx:<PASSWORD>,,"

当我将我的应用程序部署到 Google App Engine 标准 Python3 运行时环境时,它不起作用。有人知道这个问题吗?

代码: Appengine 日志:


Appengine 错误:

pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: connection closed,connection closed,connection closed"

The problem was the Ip Whitelist, thus I have add via the vpc peering connection with gcp.

To do simple, we can add to allow access from anywhere(but, be careful)


我建议您使用 VPC Peering feature of Atlas 在您的网络和 mongodb 集群的网络之间设置对等连接。更安全;)

确保遵循 Private only connection 的说明。为此,您需要通过添加 -pri.

来调整 URI


old_con = "mongodb://xxx:<PASSWORD>,,"
new_con = "mongodb://xxx:<PASSWORD>,,"

就我而言,我有 ssl=False。希望这对某人有所帮助!

可能问题出在您的 MongoDB 白名单中的网络访问配置。 添加您的 IP 后,问题应该得到解决。 请记住,IP 地址必须是 IPv4。