转移订阅时 Azure 服务主体 Ownership/Roles 会发生什么

What happens to Azure Service Principal Ownership/Roles when subscription is transfer

我有一个用于我的项目管道 (Azure DevOps) 的 Azure 服务主体。我将通过我的订阅为客户提供一个 azure 环境。


  1. 做 Azure 服务主体;因为它们与订阅相关,所以坚持我的订阅,或者他们是否改变了订阅转移的范围?
  2. 服务主体所有者 and/or 角色会转移吗? -我问这个是因为我需要维护客户资源。因此我仍然需要访问他们的环境。

如果您将订阅转移到新的 Azure AD 租户,基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC) 中的所有角色分配将从源租户中永久删除,并且不会迁移到目标租户。



Does everything transfer? Including resource groups, VMs, disks, and other running services?
All your resources like VMs, disks, and websites transfer to the new owner. However, any administrator roles and Role-based Access Control (RBAC) policies you've set up do not transfer across different directories. Also, app registrations and other tenant-specific services don't transfer along.