Office 365 多地理位置 - 从 Azure Active Directory 为用户获取 PreferredDataLocation 属性 时出现问题

Office 365 Multi Geo - Issue with fetching PreferredDataLocation property for a user from Azure Active Directory

我正在尝试从 Azure Active Directory 中为用户获取 PreferredDataLocation (PDL)。

我使用了 Graph v1.0,但在响应中没有收到 PDL 值:{upn}?$select=preferredDataLocation

但是当我使用 Graph Beta 时,我在响应中收到 PDL 值:{upn}?$select=preferredDataLocation

这是否意味着 Microsoft Graph v1.0 不支持获取 PDL?

我也尝试过使用 Microsoft Graph SDK,但是没有 属性 公开获取 PDL。

有没有办法使用 MS Graph SDK 获取 PDL?

UserPreferredDataLocation 属性 仅 returned/supported /beta 端点。由于 SDK 目前仅支持生产 API,PreferredDataLocation 未在对象模型中公开。

一旦此功能进入 v1.0,SDK 的后续版本应该包括它。如果新的 SDK build 出现不合理的延迟,您也可以请求添加它。来自 SDK docs:

When new features are added to the library

Generation happens as part of a manual process that occurs once a significant change or set of changes has been added to the Graph. This may include:

  • A new workload comes to v1.0 of Graph (Microsoft Teams, Batching, etc.)
  • There is a significant addition of functionality (Delta Queries, etc.)

However, this is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If the library is missing v1.0 Graph functionality that you wish to utilize, please file an issue.