删除 <af:inputDate> 的日历图标

remove calendar icon for <af:inputDate>


谢谢, 肖恩

您可以通过自定义 Oracle ADF 外观来隐藏日历图标 css:


The process to change a component-specific selector is the same for both the ADF Faces and ADF Data Visualization components. In the Selector Tree, you expand the Faces Components Selectors or Data Visualization Selectors node to select the selector of the component you want to modify. You then set values for this selector using the Property Inspector. You can also set properties for any pseudo-elements, component style classes, component selector aliases, or descendant selectors that the selector you select references.


  • 导航至您的皮肤
  • 导航到皮肤设计面板中名为 launch-icon-styleaf:inputDate 伪元素
  • Display 属性 in the 属性 inspector 从 inline 设置为 none:

    af|inputDate::launch-icon-style { 显示:none; }