我如何在 jruby 中使用 java.util.properties?

How can I use java.util.properties in jruby?

我正在使用本网站提供的 class:https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/dsl/jruby-oracle11g-330825.html

我正在设置 SSL,我需要将 java.util.properties 的列表传递给驱动程序管理器。


# jdbc_connection.rb

require 'java'

java_import 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'
java_import 'java.sql.DriverManager'
java_import 'java.util.Properties' #<---Import here

class OracleConnection

  @conn = nil

  def initialize (url)
    @url = url
    #I want to create the array of properties here and populate it with my SSL properties. I'm really lost here.

    # Load driver class
    oradriver = OracleDriver.new

    DriverManager.registerDriver oradriver
    #I want to pass the Properties to DriverManager.
    @conn = DriverManager.get_connection url, properties 
    @conn.auto_commit = false


我一直在想如何在 ruby 中创建属性并传递它们。有什么想法吗?

像对待 Ruby 一样对待 java.util.Properties Java class(它的所有 API 方法都可用)

另外,如果您查看文档 Properties extends Hashtable 并且 Hashtable 是一个(实现)Map

JRuby 为所有地图类型提供扩展,使其非常像 Ruby Hash.

properties = java.util.Properties.new
properties.put 'a.ssl.key', 'A-VALUE' # Java style (put inherited from Hashtable)
properties['another.ssl.key'] = 'ANOTHER' # Ruby Hash style