Trim 字,但如果找到则停在 html 元素的末尾
Trim words but stop at end of html element if found
此函数非常有用,但是如果找到 html 元素,它会在第 45 个字符计数处停止,这会破坏 html 元素。我怎样才能破例呢?我在猜测某种正则表达式,但不确定在这种情况下什么是最好的。
public function fts_custom_trim_words( $text, $num_words = 45, $more ) {
! empty( $num_words ) && 0 !== $num_words ? $more = __( '...' ) : '';
$text = nl2br( $text );
$text = strip_shortcodes( $text );
// Add tags that you don't want stripped.
$text = strip_tags( $text, '<strong><br><em><i><a>' );
$words_array = preg_split( "/[\n\r\t ]+/", $text, $num_words + 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$sep = ' ';
if ( count( $words_array ) > $num_words ) {
array_pop( $words_array );
$text_string = implode( $sep, $words_array );
$text = $text_string . $more;
} else {
$text = implode( $sep, $words_array );
return wpautop( $text );
1) 使用 PHP stript_tags()
这将 return 纯文本,字符串中的任何标签将不再起作用(即 <a>, <strong>, <li>
$text = strip_tags($text);
2) 在这里使用@Chris Harrison 的建议:PHP limit text string NOT including html tags?
这可能不是您要查找的内容,但我创建了一个简单的解决方案,将字符串分成多个块,然后检查每个块。它不如选项 2 精确,但需要维护的代码少得多。
function truncate($string, $maxChars) {
// Explode input string on a character
$stringParts = explode(' ', $string);
$finalString = '';
$charCount = 0;
foreach ($stringParts as $part) {
if ($charCount <= $maxChars) {
$charCount += strlen(strip_tags($part));
$finalString .= (' ' . $part);
} else {
return $finalString;
function truncate_by_characters ( $s, $l = 45, $e = '...' )
$sl = strlen ( $s );
$ns = 0;
$cr = 0;
$rs = '';
preg_match_all ( '/<[^>]*>[^<]+<\/[^>]*>|<(?!\/)[^>]*>/', $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $m as $v )
if ( ( $v[0][1] - $ns ) >= $l )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $v[0][1] - $ns ) );
$cr += strlen ( $ss );
$rs .= $ss . $v[0][0];
$ns = ( $v[0][1] + strlen ( $v[0][0] ) );
if ( $cr < $l )
if ( ( $ns + ( $l - $cr ) ) > $sl )
$ts = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $sl - $ns ) );
$ts = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $l - $cr ) );
for ( $x = ( strlen ( $ts ) - 1 ); $x >= 0; $x -= 1 )
$z = array ( "\t", "\r", "\n", " ", "[=10=]", "\x0B" );
if ( in_array ( $ts[$x], $z ) )
$rs .= substr ( $ts, 0, $x );
return $rs . $e;
$truncate_text = 'This <img src="" alt=""> function works great however if a <a href="http://.com/page.html?test=1">html element</a> is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
//$truncate_text = 'This function works great however if a html element is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
$truncate_characters = 45;
$truncate_ending = '...';
echo truncate_by_characters ( $truncate_text, $truncate_characters, $truncate_ending );
function truncate_by_words ( $s, $l = 45, $e = '...' )
$sl = strlen ( $s );
$ns = 0;
$tw = 0;
$rs = '';
preg_match_all ( '/<[^>]*>[^<]+<\/[^>]*>|<(?!\/)[^>]*>/', $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $m as $v )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $v[0][1] - $ns ) );
$wf = str_word_count ( $ss, 2 );
$wc = count ( $wf );
if ( ( $tw + $wc ) >= $l )
$mw = 1;
foreach ( $wf AS $wp => $wv )
if ( ( $tw + $mw++ ) == $l )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $wp - $ns ) );
$rs .= $ss . $wv;
$ns = ( $wp + strlen ( $wv ) );
$tw = $l;
$tw += $wc;
$rs .= $ss . $v[0][0];
$ns = ( $v[0][1] + strlen ( $v[0][0] ) );
if ( $tw < $l )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $sl - $ns ) );
$wf = str_word_count ( $ss, 2 );
$wc = count ( $wf );
if ( ( $tw + $wc ) <= $l )
$rs .= $ss;
$mw = 1;
foreach ( $wf AS $wp => $wv )
if ( ( $tw + $mw++ ) == $l )
$ss = substr ( $ss, 0, $wp );
$rs .= $ss . $wv;
return $rs . $e;
$truncate_text = 'This <img src="" alt=""> function works great however if a <a href="http://.com/page.html?test=1">html element</a> is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
//$truncate_text = 'This function works great however if a html element is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
$truncate_words = 35;
$truncate_ending = '...';
echo truncate_by_words ( $truncate_text, $truncate_words, $truncate_ending );
此函数非常有用,但是如果找到 html 元素,它会在第 45 个字符计数处停止,这会破坏 html 元素。我怎样才能破例呢?我在猜测某种正则表达式,但不确定在这种情况下什么是最好的。
public function fts_custom_trim_words( $text, $num_words = 45, $more ) {
! empty( $num_words ) && 0 !== $num_words ? $more = __( '...' ) : '';
$text = nl2br( $text );
$text = strip_shortcodes( $text );
// Add tags that you don't want stripped.
$text = strip_tags( $text, '<strong><br><em><i><a>' );
$words_array = preg_split( "/[\n\r\t ]+/", $text, $num_words + 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$sep = ' ';
if ( count( $words_array ) > $num_words ) {
array_pop( $words_array );
$text_string = implode( $sep, $words_array );
$text = $text_string . $more;
} else {
$text = implode( $sep, $words_array );
return wpautop( $text );
1) 使用 PHP stript_tags()
这将 return 纯文本,字符串中的任何标签将不再起作用(即 <a>, <strong>, <li>
$text = strip_tags($text);
2) 在这里使用@Chris Harrison 的建议:PHP limit text string NOT including html tags?
这可能不是您要查找的内容,但我创建了一个简单的解决方案,将字符串分成多个块,然后检查每个块。它不如选项 2 精确,但需要维护的代码少得多。
function truncate($string, $maxChars) {
// Explode input string on a character
$stringParts = explode(' ', $string);
$finalString = '';
$charCount = 0;
foreach ($stringParts as $part) {
if ($charCount <= $maxChars) {
$charCount += strlen(strip_tags($part));
$finalString .= (' ' . $part);
} else {
return $finalString;
function truncate_by_characters ( $s, $l = 45, $e = '...' )
$sl = strlen ( $s );
$ns = 0;
$cr = 0;
$rs = '';
preg_match_all ( '/<[^>]*>[^<]+<\/[^>]*>|<(?!\/)[^>]*>/', $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $m as $v )
if ( ( $v[0][1] - $ns ) >= $l )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $v[0][1] - $ns ) );
$cr += strlen ( $ss );
$rs .= $ss . $v[0][0];
$ns = ( $v[0][1] + strlen ( $v[0][0] ) );
if ( $cr < $l )
if ( ( $ns + ( $l - $cr ) ) > $sl )
$ts = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $sl - $ns ) );
$ts = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $l - $cr ) );
for ( $x = ( strlen ( $ts ) - 1 ); $x >= 0; $x -= 1 )
$z = array ( "\t", "\r", "\n", " ", "[=10=]", "\x0B" );
if ( in_array ( $ts[$x], $z ) )
$rs .= substr ( $ts, 0, $x );
return $rs . $e;
$truncate_text = 'This <img src="" alt=""> function works great however if a <a href="http://.com/page.html?test=1">html element</a> is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
//$truncate_text = 'This function works great however if a html element is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
$truncate_characters = 45;
$truncate_ending = '...';
echo truncate_by_characters ( $truncate_text, $truncate_characters, $truncate_ending );
function truncate_by_words ( $s, $l = 45, $e = '...' )
$sl = strlen ( $s );
$ns = 0;
$tw = 0;
$rs = '';
preg_match_all ( '/<[^>]*>[^<]+<\/[^>]*>|<(?!\/)[^>]*>/', $s, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $m as $v )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $v[0][1] - $ns ) );
$wf = str_word_count ( $ss, 2 );
$wc = count ( $wf );
if ( ( $tw + $wc ) >= $l )
$mw = 1;
foreach ( $wf AS $wp => $wv )
if ( ( $tw + $mw++ ) == $l )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $wp - $ns ) );
$rs .= $ss . $wv;
$ns = ( $wp + strlen ( $wv ) );
$tw = $l;
$tw += $wc;
$rs .= $ss . $v[0][0];
$ns = ( $v[0][1] + strlen ( $v[0][0] ) );
if ( $tw < $l )
$ss = substr ( $s, $ns, ( $sl - $ns ) );
$wf = str_word_count ( $ss, 2 );
$wc = count ( $wf );
if ( ( $tw + $wc ) <= $l )
$rs .= $ss;
$mw = 1;
foreach ( $wf AS $wp => $wv )
if ( ( $tw + $mw++ ) == $l )
$ss = substr ( $ss, 0, $wp );
$rs .= $ss . $wv;
return $rs . $e;
$truncate_text = 'This <img src="" alt=""> function works great however if a <a href="http://.com/page.html?test=1">html element</a> is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
//$truncate_text = 'This function works great however if a html element is found it will stop where the 45th character count is no matter what, which breaks the html element. How can I make an exception for this? I\'m guessing some kind of regex but not sure what is best in this case.';
$truncate_words = 35;
$truncate_ending = '...';
echo truncate_by_words ( $truncate_text, $truncate_words, $truncate_ending );