模板模板 class 中 non-type 参数的类型在 C++14 中不可推导,但在 C++17 中可推导

Type of non-type parameter in template template class is non deducible in C++14 but deducible in C++17


struct get_type_of_nontype;

template<class T, T Value, template<T> class Template>
struct get_type_of_nontype<Template<Value>> {
    using type = T;


#include <type_traits>

template<int I>
class int_non_type {};

    std::is_same<typename get_type_of_nontype<int_non_type<0>>::type, int>::value,
    "T is deduced to be `int` as `template<T> class Template` is `template<int> class int_non_type`"

这在 C++17 中工作正常。在 C++14 中,我得到以下错误:

海湾合作委员会 8:

<source>:5:8: error: template parameters not deducible in partial specialization:
struct get_type_of_nontype<Template<Value>> {
<source>:5:8: note:         'T'

叮当声 7:

<source>:5:8: error: class template partial specialization contains a template parameter that cannot be deduced; this partial specialization will never be used [-Wunusable-partial-specialization]
struct get_type_of_nontype<Template<Value>> {
<source>:4:16: note: non-deducible template parameter 'T'
template<class T, T Value, template<T> class Template>

然后他们都抱怨struct get_type_of_nontype<int_non_type<0>>不完整,所以typename get_type_of_non_type<int_non_type<0>>::type无法编译。

为什么 C++14 和 C++17 之间存在差异?这只是一个编译器错误吗?如果没有,有没有办法在 C++14 中做到这一点?

[temp.deduct.type] 第 13 和 14 段中的标准措辞已更改。所以是的,您的示例在 C++14 中无效,但由于新的语言功能,在 C++17 中是允许的。


A template type argument cannot be deduced from the type of a non-type template-argument.


template<class T, T i> void f(double a[10][i]);
int v[10][20];
f(v);           // error: argument for template-parameter T cannot be deduced

-- end example]


When the value of the argument corresponding to a non-type template parameter P that is declared with a dependent type is deduced from an expression, the template parameters in the type of P are deduced from the type of the value. [Example:

template<long n> struct A { };

template<typename T> struct C;
template<typename T, T n> struct C<A<n>> {
  using Q = T;

using R = long;
using R = C<A<2>>::Q;    // OK; T was deduced to long from the
                         // template argument value in the type A<2>

-- end example] The type of N in the type T[N] is std::size_t. [Example:

template<typename T> struct S;
template<typename T, T n> struct S<int[n]> {
  using Q = T;

using V = decltype(sizeof 0);
using V = S<int[42]>::Q;  // OK; T was deduced to std::size_t from the type int[42]

-- end example]


template<class T, T i> void f(int (&a)[i]);
int v[10];
void g() {
  f(v);         // OK: T is std::size_t

-- end example]

这似乎与另一个 C++17 模板更改有关:C++17 是第一个允许在非类型模板参数中使用占位符类型的版本,如 template <auto Value>template <auto* Ptr>.我希望编译器实现需要一些类似的逻辑来支持这两种语言特性。