我如何获得 Android 已安装的系统字体列表并应用于自定义键盘

How i can get Android System fonts list that is already installed and apply to custom keyboard

我必须创建一个应用程序来检索预装 Android OS 的字体列表。我需要显示系统字体,并且可以 select 为我的应用程序设置该字体。



字体是 class,它可以帮助您获得所有已安装字体的列表。然后你可以映射字体。这个 link 可以帮助解决这个问题:


public class FontManager {
    // This function enumerates all fonts on Android system and returns the HashMap with the font
    // absolute file name as key, and the font literal name (embedded into the font) as value.
    static public HashMap< String, String > enumerateFonts()
        String[] fontdirs = { "/system/fonts", "/system/font", "/data/fonts" };
        HashMap< String, String > fonts = new HashMap< String, String >();
        TTFAnalyzer analyzer = new TTFAnalyzer();

        for ( String fontdir : fontdirs )
            File dir = new File( fontdir );

            if ( !dir.exists() )

            File[] files = dir.listFiles();

            if ( files == null )

            for ( File file : files )
                String fontname = analyzer.getTtfFontName( file.getAbsolutePath() );

                if ( fontname != null ) {
//                    Log.d("fonts", fontname+" : "+file.getAbsolutePath());
                    fonts.put(file.getAbsolutePath(), fontname);



        return fonts.isEmpty() ? null : fonts;


public class FontDetail
    String sFontNames;
    String sFontPaths;
    String sFontType;

    public FontDetail(String sFontNames, String sFontPaths, String sFontType)
        this.sFontNames = sFontNames;
        this.sFontPaths = sFontPaths;
        this.sFontType = sFontType;

    public String getsFontNames()
        return sFontNames;

    public void setsFontNames(String sFontNames)
        this.sFontNames = sFontNames;

    public String getsFontPaths()
        return sFontPaths;

    public void setsFontPaths(String sFontPaths)
        this.sFontPaths = sFontPaths;

    public String getsFontType()
        return sFontType;

    public void setsFontType(String sFontType) {
        this.sFontType = sFontType;


   ArrayList<FontDetail> arrLstFontDetail = new ArrayList<FontDetail>();

在 arrLstFontDetails 中加载系统字体:

public void loadSystemFontsToListView() {
      try {
         Iterator<?> iter = FontManager.enumerateFonts().entrySet().iterator();

         while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry mEntry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
            LogMaintain.ShowLog(LogMaintain.LogType.Error, "System : " + (String) mEntry.getValue() + "Key: " + (String) mEntry.getKey());
            arrLstFontDetail.add(new FontDetail((String) mEntry.getValue(), (String) mEntry.getKey(), "System"));

How to retrieve a list of available/installed fonts in android?


我们可以使用这个函数从路径访问系统(Typeface.createFromFile("your file")

      String path = "/system/fonts";
      File file = new File(path);
      File ff[] = file.listFiles();

       for(int i = 0 ; i < ff.length ; i++){