打字稿检查类型 A === 类型 B | C型

Typescript check if type A === type B | type C


export const _all = {
  a: '',
  b: '',
  c: '',
  d: '',
  e: '',
  f: '',
type AllKeysType = typeof _all;
export type AllKey = keyof AllKeysType;


export const _keep = {
  a: '',
  b: '',
  d: '',
  e: '',
type KeepKeysType = typeof _keep;
export type KeepKey = keyof KeepKeysType;

export const _ignore = {
  c: '',
  f: '',
type IgnoreKeysType = typeof _ignore;
export type IgnoreKey = keyof IgnoreKeysType;

如何使用 Typescript 断言 _all 中定义的键始终等于 _keep_ignore 的并集。换句话说,AllKey 应该总是等于 KeepKey | IgnoreKey.

如果开发人员通过添加新值(例如 z)更新 _all 但忘记将 z 添加到 _keep_ignore.

这可以通过定义接受两种类型并在输入类型相等时解析为 true 或否则解析为 false 的条件类型来实现。然后编写一些代码,当该类型不是 true.




type IsExact<T, U> = [T] extends [U] ? [U] extends [T] ? true : false : false;
function assert<T extends true | false>(expectTrue: T) {}

// this will throw a compile error when the two types get out of sync
assert<IsExact<AllKey, KeepKey | IgnoreKey>>(true);

更健壮的代码稍微长一些(例如处理 any 类型),但它已在我的库中汇总 here

import { assert, IsExact } from "conditional-type-checks";

// define or import AllKey, KeepKey, IgnoreKey

assert<IsExact<AllKey, KeepKey | IgnoreKey>>(true);



() => {
  let allKeys: AllKey;
  let otherKeys: KeepKey | IgnoreKey;

  // do this in lambdas to prevent the first assignment from changing
  // the type of the variable being assigned to
  () => allKeys = otherKeys;
  () => otherKeys = allKeys;