
Why can't I call a mutable method (and store the result) twice in a row?


struct SimpleMemoryBank {
    vec: Vec<Box<i32>>,

impl SimpleMemoryBank {
    fn new() -> SimpleMemoryBank {
        SimpleMemoryBank{ vec: Vec::new() }

    fn add(&mut self, value: i32) -> &mut i32 {
        let last = self.vec.len() - 1;
        &mut *self.vec[last]

fn main() {
    let mut foo = SimpleMemoryBank::new();

    // Works okay

    // Doesn't work: "cannot borrow `foo` as mutable more than once at a time"
    let one = foo.add(1);
    let two = foo.add(2);

add()可以连续调用多次,只要我不存储函数调用的结果即可。但是如果我存储函数的结果(let one = ...),我就会得到错误:

problem.rs:26:15: 26:18 error: cannot borrow `foo` as mutable more than once at a time
problem.rs:26     let two = foo.add(2);
problem.rs:25:15: 25:18 note: previous borrow of `foo` occurs here; the mutable borrow prevents subsequent moves, borrows, or modification of `foo` until the borrow ends
problem.rs:25     let one = foo.add(1);
problem.rs:27:2: 27:2 note: previous borrow ends here
problem.rs:17 fn main() {
problem.rs:27 }
error: aborting due to previous error

这是issue #6393: borrow scopes should not always be lexical的表现吗?

我该如何解决这个问题?本质上,我想向向量添加一个新的 Box,然后 return 对其的引用(以便调用者可以使用它)。

这正是 Rust 旨在防止您造成的问题。如果你这样做会发生什么:

let one = foo.add(1);
println!("{}", one);

或者如果 foo.add 通过在向量的 beginning 处推送新值来工作怎么办?会发生不好的事情!最主要的是,当你借用一个变量时,你不能再改变这个变量。如果你能够改变它,那么你可能会使借用的内存无效,然后你的程序可以做很多事情,最好的情况就是它崩溃。

Is this a manifestation of issue #6393: borrow scopes should not always be lexical?

有点,但不是真的。在此示例中,您从不使用 onetwo,因此理论上非词法范围将允许它编译。但是,您随后声明

I want to add a new Box to the vector, and then return a reference to it (so the caller can use it)


let one = foo.add(1);
let two = foo.add(2);


在这种情况下,如果您只是想要一个地方来存储不能单独释放的变量,不要彼此重叠,也不能移动,请尝试使用 TypedArena:

extern crate arena;

use arena::TypedArena;

fn main() {
    let arena = TypedArena::new();
    let one = arena.alloc(1);
    let two = arena.alloc(2);

    *one = 3;
    println!("{}, {}", one, two);