Laravel 5.6 - 如何获取客房交易的最后 X 位客人姓名?
Laravel 5.6 - How to fetch last X guest names for room deal?
我不知道如何为以下场景构建高效的 Eloquent 查询。
用户可以停留在很多地方,比如房间、公寓、家里,所以我们有一个多态的 stayable_locations
table,但我们只关注这个房间 stayable_type
table。当工作人员单击一个房间时,我们要显示所有可用的房间优惠(如果 room_deals
table 中有可用的房间优惠)以及每个房间优惠的最后 3 位客人(如果有的话)。
尝试通过 eloquent 从以下 table 中获取此输出:
Room 111 (desired output for room deals and guests below)
- Room Deal #1 -> Able, Kane, Eve
- Room Deal #2 -> Eve, Adam
$room = Room::where('id',111)->first(); // room 111
// Eloquent query, not sure how to setup model relations correctly
// To get last 3 guest names per room deal [if any] in an efficient query
这里是 table 结构:
stayable_locations table [polymorphic]:
id | stayable_id | stayable_type | room_deal_id | room_guest_id
1 | 111 | room | 0 | 3 (Steve no room deal)
2 | 111 | room | 1 | 1 (Adam room deal)
3 | 111 | room | 1 | 2 (Eve room deal)
4 | 111 | room | 1 | 4 (Kane room deal)
5 | 111 | room | 1 | 5 (Able room deal)
6 | 111 | room | 2 | 1 (Adam room deal)
7 | 111 | room | 2 | 2 (Eve room deal)
room_deals table:
id | room_id | room_deal
1 | 111 | Deal A
2 | 111 | Deal B
users table:
id | name
1 | Adam
2 | Eve
3 | Steve
4 | Kane
5 | Able
class User extends Authenticatable {
public function stayableLocations() {
return $this->morphMany('App\StayableLocation', 'stayable');
class RoomDeal extends Model {
public function room() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Room');
public function guests() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'stayable_locations', 'room_deal_id', 'room_guest_id');
StayableLocation 型号:
class StayableLocation extends Model {
public function stayable() {
return $this->morphTo();
public function room() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Room', 'stayable_id');
class Room extends Model {
public function stayableLocations() {
return $this->morphMany('App\StayableLocation', 'stayable');
public function roomDeals() {
return $this->hasMany('App\RoomDeal');
知道如何通过高效的 eloquent 查询获得所需的输出吗?
- Laravel 没有现成的 (see here) 所以我们必须使用第三方包。
- 按照 link 说明安装 staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit 包并遵循用法示例。
- 这是上面需要更改的内容[仍然使用上面相同定义的关系用于下面
],只是添加了 use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
class User extends Authenticatable {
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
class RoomDeal extends Model {
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
- 通过 eloquent 嵌套限制的工作查询,感谢评论者和包帮助:
$room = Room::find(111);
$deals3Guests = $room->roomDeals() // query deals
->with(['guests' => function($query) { // eager load guests
$query->orderBy('', 'desc') // get latest guests
->limit(3); // limit to 3
我不知道如何为以下场景构建高效的 Eloquent 查询。
用户可以停留在很多地方,比如房间、公寓、家里,所以我们有一个多态的 stayable_locations
table,但我们只关注这个房间 stayable_type
table。当工作人员单击一个房间时,我们要显示所有可用的房间优惠(如果 room_deals
table 中有可用的房间优惠)以及每个房间优惠的最后 3 位客人(如果有的话)。
尝试通过 eloquent 从以下 table 中获取此输出:
Room 111 (desired output for room deals and guests below)
- Room Deal #1 -> Able, Kane, Eve
- Room Deal #2 -> Eve, Adam
$room = Room::where('id',111)->first(); // room 111
// Eloquent query, not sure how to setup model relations correctly
// To get last 3 guest names per room deal [if any] in an efficient query
这里是 table 结构:
stayable_locations table [polymorphic]:
id | stayable_id | stayable_type | room_deal_id | room_guest_id
1 | 111 | room | 0 | 3 (Steve no room deal)
2 | 111 | room | 1 | 1 (Adam room deal)
3 | 111 | room | 1 | 2 (Eve room deal)
4 | 111 | room | 1 | 4 (Kane room deal)
5 | 111 | room | 1 | 5 (Able room deal)
6 | 111 | room | 2 | 1 (Adam room deal)
7 | 111 | room | 2 | 2 (Eve room deal)
room_deals table:
id | room_id | room_deal
1 | 111 | Deal A
2 | 111 | Deal B
users table:
id | name
1 | Adam
2 | Eve
3 | Steve
4 | Kane
5 | Able
class User extends Authenticatable {
public function stayableLocations() {
return $this->morphMany('App\StayableLocation', 'stayable');
class RoomDeal extends Model {
public function room() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Room');
public function guests() {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'stayable_locations', 'room_deal_id', 'room_guest_id');
StayableLocation 型号:
class StayableLocation extends Model {
public function stayable() {
return $this->morphTo();
public function room() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Room', 'stayable_id');
class Room extends Model {
public function stayableLocations() {
return $this->morphMany('App\StayableLocation', 'stayable');
public function roomDeals() {
return $this->hasMany('App\RoomDeal');
知道如何通过高效的 eloquent 查询获得所需的输出吗?
- Laravel 没有现成的 (see here) 所以我们必须使用第三方包。
- 按照 link 说明安装 staudenmeir/eloquent-eager-limit 包并遵循用法示例。
- 这是上面需要更改的内容[仍然使用上面相同定义的关系用于下面
],只是添加了use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
class User extends Authenticatable {
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
class RoomDeal extends Model {
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
- 通过 eloquent 嵌套限制的工作查询,感谢评论者和包帮助:
$room = Room::find(111);
$deals3Guests = $room->roomDeals() // query deals
->with(['guests' => function($query) { // eager load guests
$query->orderBy('', 'desc') // get latest guests
->limit(3); // limit to 3