
How to use object assign instead of spread syntax in merge of array of data and object?


const x = [{ port: 3000, typ: "port" }, { port: 4000, typ: "port" }];
const IDs = [3246237348, 738423894, 73824923]
const y = {

Object {port: 3000, typ: "port", CSSID: Array[3]}
  port: 3000
  typ: "port"
  CSSID: Array[3]
     0: 3246237348
     1: 738423894
     2: 73824923


const ob = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, x[0], Object.assign(CSSID)) );

Object {0: 3246237348, 1: 738423894, 2: 73824923, port: 3000, typ: "port"}
    0: 3246237348
    1: 738423894
    2: 73824923

Object.assign() 将属性从一个或多个对象复制到单个目标对象。由于 CSSID 是一个数组,它将数组的属性(项目)复制到对象。由于您想要一个具有 属性 CSSID 的对象,请将其设置为目标对象的 属性,或来源之一:

CSSID 应该是对象的 属性:

const x = [{ port: 3000, typ: "port" }, { port: 4000, typ: "port" }];
const CSSID = [3246237348, 738423894, 73824923];
const ob = Object.assign({}, x[0], { CSSID }); // or Object.assign({ CSSID }, x[0]);
