npm susy 和 grunt 我做错了什么?

What am I doing wrong with npm susy and grunt?

我正在尝试使用 susy、node-sass、grunt-sass 编译我的 scss 文件 我使用 npm install 添加了所有这些依赖项。 我正在添加 grunt 的设置,例如

sass: {
      options: {
        implementation: sass,
        sourceMap: true
      dist: {
        options: {
          style: 'expanded',
          require: 'susy'
        files: {
          'app/crossbrand_us/styleguide/css/shared.css': 'app/sass/xb/widgets/advertised-offers/wdgt-advertised-offers-vehicle.scss'
@import "wdgt-advertised-offers-shared";
@import "node_modules/susy/sass/susy";
$wdgt-advertised-offers-vehicle-selector: ".wdgt-advertised-offers-vehicle";

#{$wdgt-advertised-offers-vehicle-selector} {
    @include pad(1%);


Fatal error: no mixin named pad


latest versions of Susy (3.x) do not include any mixins. In order to use the old mixins, you will have to downgrade to a 2.x version of Susy (2.2.14 is the latest). Or check out the docs 开始使用 Susy 3。
