
Yii2: Can I create rules and custom error messages that apply when DELETING a model?


一旦我确定了我的错误消息,我怎样才能最好地存储它们并将它们传递到前端? beforeDelete() 仅 returns true 或 false 但我当然需要向用户提供友好的错误消息,说明为什么无法删除记录...


public function getPhonenumbers() {
    return $this->hasMany(Phonenumber::class, ['ph_contactID' => 'contactID']);

您可以在 beforeDelete() 中抛出带有错误消息的异常,并在控制器中捕获它。

public function beforeDelete() {
    if ($this->getPhonenumbers()->exist()) {
        throw new DeleteFailException('Records with phone numbers cannot be deleted.');

    return parent::beforeDelete();


try {
} catch (DeleteFailException $esception) {
    Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', $exception->getMessage());

从@vishuB 和@rob006 的回答中,我想到了自己的解决方案,我认为这会更好,因为我可以提供多个错误消息,它可以在 API 中使用好吧,它不依赖于 try/catching 异常:

public function beforeDelete() {
    if (!parent::beforeDelete()) {
        $this->addError('contactID', 'For some unknown reason we could not delete this record.');

    if (!empty($this->phonenumbers)) {
        $this->addError('contactID', 'Contact is linked to a used phone number and cannot be deleted.');

    if ($some_other_validation_fails) {
        $this->addError('contactID', 'Contact cannot be deleted because it is more than two months old.');

    return ($this->hasErrors() ? false : true);


$contact = Contact::findOne($contactID);
if (!$contact->delete()) {
    return $contact->getErrors();  //or use flash messages and redirect to page if you prefer
return true;