EP Plus - 错误 Table 范围与 table 冲突

EP Plus - Error Table range collides with table

我正在使用 EP plus 和 c# 应用程序构建到 excel 功能的导出。我目前收到错误。

'Table range collides with table tblAllocations29'




在当前情况下,我在尝试打印时遇到错误 三个数组 第一个数组有 17 条记录 第二个数组有 29 条记录 第三个数组有6条记录



A1  G18
A20 G50
A51 G58


public HttpResponseMessage DownloadFundAllocationDetails(int id, DateTime date)
    var ms = GetStrategy(id);

    DateTime d = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
    if (ms.FIRM_ID != null)
        var firm = GetService<FIRM>().Get(ms.FIRM_ID.Value);
        IEnumerable<FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION> allocationsGroup = null;
        var allocationsGrouped = GetAllocationsGrouped(EntityType.Firm, firm.ID, d);

         string fileName = string.Format("{0} as of {1}.xlsx", "test", date.ToString("MMM, yyyy"));
         byte[] fileContents;
         var newFile = new FileInfo(fileName);
         using (var package = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(newFile))
            FundAllocationsPrinter.Print(package, allocationsGrouped);
            fileContents = package.GetAsByteArray();

         var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
             Content = new ByteArrayContent(fileContents)

         result.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition =
            new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment")
                 FileName = fileName

         result.Content.Headers.ContentType =
            new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");

         return result;

    return null;




public class FundAllocationsPrinter
    public static void Print(ExcelPackage package, ILookup<string, FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION> allocation)
        ExcelWorksheet wsSheet1 = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
        wsSheet1.Protection.IsProtected = false;
        int count = 0;
        int previouscount = 0;
        var position = 2;
        int startposition = 1;
        IEnumerable<FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION> allocationGroup = null;

        foreach (var ag in allocation)
            allocationGroup = ag.Select(a => a);
            var allocationList = allocationGroup.ToList();
            count = allocationList.Count();

            using (ExcelRange Rng = wsSheet1.Cells["A" + startposition + ":G" + (count + previouscount + 1)])
                ExcelTableCollection tblcollection = wsSheet1.Tables;
                ExcelTable table = tblcollection.Add(Rng, "tblAllocations" + count);

                //Set Columns position & name  
                table.Columns[0].Name = "Manager Strategy";
                table.Columns[1].Name = "Fund";
                table.Columns[2].Name = "Portfolio";
                table.Columns[3].Name = "As Of";
                table.Columns[4].Name = "EMV (USD)";
                table.Columns[5].Name = "Percent";
                table.Columns[6].Name = "Allocations";

                wsSheet1.Column(1).Width = 45;
                wsSheet1.Column(2).Width = 45;
                wsSheet1.Column(3).Width = 55;
                wsSheet1.Column(4).Width = 15;
                wsSheet1.Column(5).Width = 25;
                wsSheet1.Column(6).Width = 20;
                wsSheet1.Column(7).Width = 20;

                // table.ShowHeader = true;
                table.ShowFilter = true;
                table.ShowTotal = true;
                //Add TotalsRowFormula into Excel table Columns  
                table.Columns[0].TotalsRowLabel = "Total Rows";
                table.Columns[4].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109,[EMV (USD)])";
                table.Columns[5].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109,[Percent])";
                table.Columns[6].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109,Allocations])";

                table.TableStyle = TableStyles.Dark10;

            foreach (var ac in allocationGroup)
                wsSheet1.Cells["A" + position].Value = ac.MANAGER_STRATEGY_NAME;
                wsSheet1.Cells["B" + position].Value = ac.MANAGER_FUND_NAME;
                wsSheet1.Cells["C" + position].Value = ac.PRODUCT_NAME;
                wsSheet1.Cells["D" + position].Value = ac.EVAL_DATE.ToString("dd MMM, yyyy");
                wsSheet1.Cells["E" + position].Value = ac.UsdEmv;
                wsSheet1.Cells["F" + position].Value = Math.Round(ac.GroupPercent,2);
                wsSheet1.Cells["G" + position].Value = Math.Round(ac.WEIGHT_WITH_EQ,2);
            previouscount = position;
            // position = position + 1;
            startposition = position;


你的问题完全出在你的Print方法上。通过创建稍微 over-complicated 的行跟踪机制并将其与幻数相结合,您已经被咬住了。这会导致您将每个 table 放置在第一行之后高于应有的位置。 header 和小计不是 table 的一部分,因此您有几行错误余地。如您所见,表格不能重叠,因此在您用尽余地后,EPPlus 开始对您咆哮。

您需要做的就是跟踪您正在写入的当前行,并说明 table header 和页脚(小计)占用的 space ) 如果你使用它们。


int count = 0;
int previouscount = 0;
var position = 2;
int startposition = 1;


var rowNumber = 1;

这将正确地开始将您的数据写入 Excel sheet 的第一行。当您编写 table 行时,您将仅跟踪和递增 rowNumber。但是每个 table 的 header 和页脚呢?如果您在 table 的第一行开始书写,您将覆盖 header,如果您不考虑 header 和页脚,您将开始出现冲突,例如你看过。那么让我们这样做:

var showFilter = true;
var showHeader = true;
var showTotals = true;
var rowAdderForHeader = Convert.ToInt32(showHeader);
var rowAdderForFooter = Convert.ToInt32(showTotals);

这些都是不言自明的,您将在需要时使用 rowAdders 跳转 header 或页脚。 rowNumber 将始终是您创建 table 并写入数据的当前行。您在定义 table 时使用 count,但我们已将其与其他任何内容无关,因此我们将其移动:

var allocationList = allocationGroup.ToList();

//Moved here
var count = allocationList.Count();

您的 using 语句变为:

using (ExcelRange Rng = wsSheet1.Cells["A" + rowNumber + ":G" + (count + rowNumber)])

接下来,您的 post 中未提及,但您将 运行 陷入以下问题:

ExcelTableCollection tblcollection = wsSheet1.Tables;
ExcelTable table = tblcollection.Add(Rng, "tblAllocations" + count);

您的 table 名称必须是唯一的,但您很可能会得到具有相同计数的多个分配,这将导致 EPPlus 在您复制 table 时抛出异常名称。因此,您还需要跟踪当前 table:

var rowNumber = 1;
var tableIndex = 0;

foreach (var ag in allocation)
    tableIndex += 1;

并使用它来确保唯一的 table 名称:

ExcelTableCollection tblcollection = wsSheet1.Tables;
ExcelTable table = tblcollection.Add(Rng, "tblAllocations" + tableIndex);


// table.ShowHeader = true;
table.ShowFilter = true;
table.ShowTotal = true;

//Changes to
table.ShowHeader = showHeader;
table.ShowFilter = showFilter;
table.ShowTotal = showTotals;


table.Columns[6].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109,Allocations])";

//Should be:
table.Columns[6].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109,[Allocations])";

完成 table 定义后,您将开始使用 foreach 循环写入数据。为了防止覆盖 table header(如果存在),我们必须前进一行。我们还必须为每个 FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION 前进一行。如果您正在使用小计,我们必须在循环完成后前进一行,以便正确定位下一个 table:

rowNumber += rowAdderForHeader; 
foreach (var ac in allocationGroup)
    rowNumber += 1;
rowNumber += rowAdderForFooter;

就是这样。我们现在仅使用一个变量即可正确跟踪我们的位置,如果您的 table.

上有 header 或页脚,我们会根据需要修改位置


void Main()
    var dataGenerator = new DataGenerator();
    var allocations = dataGenerator.Generate();
    var xlFile = new FileInfo(@"d:\so-test.xlsx");

    if (xlFile.Exists)

    using(var xl = new ExcelPackage(xlFile))
        FundAllocationsPrinter.Print(xl, allocations);

// Define other methods and classes here

public static class FundAllocationsPrinter
    public static void Print(ExcelPackage package, ILookup<string, FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION> allocation)
        ExcelWorksheet wsSheet1 = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
        wsSheet1.Protection.IsProtected = false;

        IEnumerable<FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION> allocationGroup = null;

        var rowNumber = 1;
        int tableIndex = 0;

        var showFilter = true;
        var showHeader = true;
        var showTotals = true;
        var rowAdderForHeader = Convert.ToInt32(showHeader);
        var rowAdderForFooter = Convert.ToInt32(showTotals);

        foreach (var ag in allocation)
            tableIndex += 1;

            allocationGroup = ag.Select(a => a);
            var allocationList = allocationGroup.ToList();
            var count = allocationList.Count();

            using (ExcelRange Rng = wsSheet1.Cells["A" + rowNumber + ":G" + (count + rowNumber)])
                ExcelTableCollection tblcollection = wsSheet1.Tables;
                ExcelTable table = tblcollection.Add(Rng, "tblAllocations" + tableIndex);

                //Set Columns position & name  
                table.Columns[0].Name = "Manager Strategy";
                table.Columns[1].Name = "Fund";
                table.Columns[2].Name = "Portfolio";
                table.Columns[3].Name = "As Of";
                table.Columns[4].Name = "EMV (USD)";
                table.Columns[5].Name = "Percent";
                table.Columns[6].Name = "Allocations";

                wsSheet1.Column(1).Width = 45;
                wsSheet1.Column(2).Width = 45;
                wsSheet1.Column(3).Width = 55;
                wsSheet1.Column(4).Width = 15;
                wsSheet1.Column(5).Width = 25;
                wsSheet1.Column(6).Width = 20;
                wsSheet1.Column(7).Width = 20;

                table.ShowHeader = showHeader;
                table.ShowFilter = showFilter;
                table.ShowTotal = showTotals;
                //Add TotalsRowFormula into Excel table Columns  
                table.Columns[0].TotalsRowLabel = "Total Rows";
                table.Columns[4].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109,[EMV (USD)])";
                table.Columns[5].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109,[Percent])";
                table.Columns[6].TotalsRowFormula = "SUBTOTAL(109, [Allocations])";

                table.TableStyle = TableStyles.Dark10;

            //Account for the table header
            rowNumber += rowAdderForHeader; 

            foreach (var ac in allocationGroup)
                wsSheet1.Cells["A" + rowNumber].Value = ac.MANAGER_STRATEGY_NAME;
                wsSheet1.Cells["B" + rowNumber].Value = ac.MANAGER_FUND_NAME;
                wsSheet1.Cells["C" + rowNumber].Value = ac.PRODUCT_NAME;
                wsSheet1.Cells["D" + rowNumber].Value = ac.EVAL_DATE.ToString("dd MMM, yyyy");
                wsSheet1.Cells["E" + rowNumber].Value = ac.UsdEmv;
                wsSheet1.Cells["F" + rowNumber].Value = Math.Round(ac.GroupPercent, 2);
                wsSheet1.Cells["G" + rowNumber].Value = Math.Round(ac.WEIGHT_WITH_EQ, 2);
            //Account for the table footer
            rowNumber += rowAdderForFooter;

    public FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION(string name, Random rnd)
        Name = name;
        MANAGER_STRATEGY_NAME = "strategy name";
        MANAGER_FUND_NAME = "fund name";
        PRODUCT_NAME = "product name";
        EVAL_DATE = DateTime.Now;
        UsdEmv = (decimal)rnd.NextDouble() * 100000000;
        GroupPercent = (decimal)rnd.NextDouble() * 100;
        WEIGHT_WITH_EQ = 0;

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string MANAGER_STRATEGY_NAME { get; set; }
    public string MANAGER_FUND_NAME { get; set; }
    public string PRODUCT_NAME { get; set; }
    public DateTime EVAL_DATE { get; set; }
    public decimal UsdEmv { get; set; }
    public decimal GroupPercent { get; set; }
    public decimal WEIGHT_WITH_EQ { get; set; }

public class DataGenerator
    public static Random rnd = new Random();

    public ILookup<string, FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION> Generate()
        var data = new List<FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION>();
        var itemCount = rnd.Next(1, 100);

        for (var itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < itemCount; itemIndex++)
            var name = Path.GetRandomFileName();
        return data.ToLookup(d => d.Name, d => d); 

    private IEnumerable<FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION> GenerateItems(string name)
        var itemCount = rnd.Next(1,100);
        var items = new List<FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION>();

        for (var itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < itemCount; itemIndex++)
            items.Add(new FIRMWIDE_MANAGER_ALLOCATION(name, rnd));
        return items;