在魔杖中缓慢打开 RAW 文件

Slow opening of RAW files in wand

我正在使用 wand (MagickWand API 绑定 Python) 生成尼康原始图像的缩略图 "file.nef"。


for arquivo in os.listdir(caminho):

    # Se arquivo termina com
     if arquivo.endswith(".NEF"):

          Inicio = time.time()

          caminho_arquivo = caminho + "/" + arquivo

          with Image(filename=caminho_arquivo) as img:

               Abertura = time.time()

               print("Tempo para abrir: {}".format(int(Abertura - Inicio)))

Tempo para abrir = 12s (time to just open the file!)

搜索 ImageMagick 论坛我发现了这个: http://www.imagemagick.org/

如果您不想打开 link 这里有一份简历:

For a file from a Nikon D800 camera, exiftool shows:

 Composite:JpgFromRaw='(Binary data 2307391 bytes, use -b option to extract)'
 Composite:OtherImage='(Binary data 918709 bytes, use -b option to extract)'
 Composite:PreviewImage='(Binary data 101723 bytes, use -b option to extract)'

ImageMagick can't see these images. They can be extracted by exiftool:

exiftool -JpgFromRaw -b AGA_2983.NEF >fromraw.jpg
exiftool -OtherImage -b AGA_2983.NEF >other.jpg
exiftool -PreviewImage -b AGA_2983.NEF >preview.jpg

这个exiftool似乎正是我需要的。我可以通过 Wand 使用 exiftool 吗?


UPDATE! - Problem Solved!

加载图像需要这么长时间的原因是文件检测类型。一旦我使用代码 format="raw" 就这样:

with wand.Image(filename=caminho_arquivo, format="raw") as img:

现在处理 75 个原始文件只需要不到一秒钟的时间!该死的!

我只是在阅读源代码时遇到 "format=raw",它不在文档中。
