Is it possible to create calendar events with attachments?
我想使用 Microsoft Graph 创建一个日历活动,这很有效,但不幸的是,我无法向该活动添加附件。事件已创建但没有附件。没有报错。
DateTimeTimeZone start = new DateTimeTimeZone
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id,
DateTime = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("o"),
DateTimeTimeZone end = new DateTimeTimeZone
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id,
DateTime = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("o"),
Location location = new Location
DisplayName = "Thuis",
byte[] contentBytes = System.IO.File
var ev = new Event();
FileAttachment fa = new FileAttachment
ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
ContentBytes = contentBytes,
ContentType = "application/pdf",
Name = "sample.pdf",
IsInline = false,
Size = contentBytes.Length
ev.Attachments = new EventAttachmentsCollectionPage();
ev.Start = start;
ev.End = end;
ev.IsAllDay = false;
ev.Location = location;
ev.Subject = textBox2.Text;
var response = await graphServiceClient
似乎仍然不支持在 单个 请求 ()
var ev = new Event
Start = start,
End = end,
IsAllDay = false,
Location = location,
Subject = subject
//1.create an event first
var evResp = await graphServiceClient.Users[userId].Calendar.Events.Request().AddAsync(ev);
byte[] contentBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(localPath);
var attachmentName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(localPath);
var fa = new FileAttachment
ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
ContentBytes = contentBytes,
ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(attachmentName),
Name = attachmentName,
IsInline = false
//2. add attachments to event
var faResp = await graphServiceClient.Users[userId].Calendar.Events[evResp.Id].Attachments.Request().AddAsync(fa);
我正在使用 HTTP put 将其更改为 GRAPH SDK 应该没有问题。
var eventContainer = new EventContainer();
eventContainer.Init(); //populate the event with everything except the attendees and attachments
//Send POST request and get the updated event obj back
eventContainer = GraphUtil.CreateEvent(eventContainer);
//Create a basic attachment
var attachment = new Attachment
ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
contentBytes = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(path)),
name = $"attachment.pdf"
//Post request to create the attachment and get updated obj back
attachment = GraphUtil.CreateAttachment(attachment);
//Prepare new content to update the event
var newContent = new
attachments = new List<Attachment> { attachment },
attendees = New List<Attendee> { attends } //populate attendees here
//Patch request containing only the new content get the updated event obj back.
eventContainer = GraphUtil.UpdateEvent(newContent);
您可以在活动中通过创建共享来共享 OneDrive 中的文件 link。
如果文件不在OneDrive中,您必须先将文件上传到OneDrive。之后,您可以创建一个分享 link 并在活动正文中将附件展示给与会者(已授予访问权限)。
public async Task<DriveItem> uploadFileToOneDrive(string eventOwnerEmail, string filePath, string fileName)
// get a stream of the local file
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
string token = GetGraphToken();
var graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider((requestMessage) =>
.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);
return Task.FromResult(0);
// upload the file to OneDrive
var uploadedFile = graphServiceClient.Users[eventOwnerEmail].Drive.Root
return uploadedFile;
public async Task<Permission> getShareLinkOfDriveItem(string eventOwnerEmail, DriveItem _item)
string token = GetGraphToken();
var graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider((requestMessage) =>
.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);
return Task.FromResult(0);
var type = "view";
var scope = "anonymous";
var ret = await graphServiceClient.Users[eventOwnerEmail].Drive.Items[_item.Id]
.CreateLink(type, scope, null, null, null)
return ret;
var driveItem = uploadFileToOneDrive(eventOwnerEmail, filePath, fileName);
Task<Permission> shareLinkInfo = getShareLinkOfDriveItem(eventOwnerEmail, driveItem);
string shareLink = shareLinkInfo.Result.Link.WebUrl;
body = "<p>You can access the file from the link: <a href = '" + shareLink + "' >" + driveItem.Name + " </a></p> ";
我想使用 Microsoft Graph 创建一个日历活动,这很有效,但不幸的是,我无法向该活动添加附件。事件已创建但没有附件。没有报错。
DateTimeTimeZone start = new DateTimeTimeZone
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id,
DateTime = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString("o"),
DateTimeTimeZone end = new DateTimeTimeZone
TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id,
DateTime = dateTimePicker2.Value.ToString("o"),
Location location = new Location
DisplayName = "Thuis",
byte[] contentBytes = System.IO.File
var ev = new Event();
FileAttachment fa = new FileAttachment
ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
ContentBytes = contentBytes,
ContentType = "application/pdf",
Name = "sample.pdf",
IsInline = false,
Size = contentBytes.Length
ev.Attachments = new EventAttachmentsCollectionPage();
ev.Start = start;
ev.End = end;
ev.IsAllDay = false;
ev.Location = location;
ev.Subject = textBox2.Text;
var response = await graphServiceClient
似乎仍然不支持在 单个 请求 (
var ev = new Event
Start = start,
End = end,
IsAllDay = false,
Location = location,
Subject = subject
//1.create an event first
var evResp = await graphServiceClient.Users[userId].Calendar.Events.Request().AddAsync(ev);
byte[] contentBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(localPath);
var attachmentName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(localPath);
var fa = new FileAttachment
ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
ContentBytes = contentBytes,
ContentType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(attachmentName),
Name = attachmentName,
IsInline = false
//2. add attachments to event
var faResp = await graphServiceClient.Users[userId].Calendar.Events[evResp.Id].Attachments.Request().AddAsync(fa);
我正在使用 HTTP put 将其更改为 GRAPH SDK 应该没有问题。
var eventContainer = new EventContainer();
eventContainer.Init(); //populate the event with everything except the attendees and attachments
//Send POST request and get the updated event obj back
eventContainer = GraphUtil.CreateEvent(eventContainer);
//Create a basic attachment
var attachment = new Attachment
ODataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment",
contentBytes = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(path)),
name = $"attachment.pdf"
//Post request to create the attachment and get updated obj back
attachment = GraphUtil.CreateAttachment(attachment);
//Prepare new content to update the event
var newContent = new
attachments = new List<Attachment> { attachment },
attendees = New List<Attendee> { attends } //populate attendees here
//Patch request containing only the new content get the updated event obj back.
eventContainer = GraphUtil.UpdateEvent(newContent);
您可以在活动中通过创建共享来共享 OneDrive 中的文件 link。
如果文件不在OneDrive中,您必须先将文件上传到OneDrive。之后,您可以创建一个分享 link 并在活动正文中将附件展示给与会者(已授予访问权限)。
public async Task<DriveItem> uploadFileToOneDrive(string eventOwnerEmail, string filePath, string fileName)
// get a stream of the local file
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);
string token = GetGraphToken();
var graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider((requestMessage) =>
.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);
return Task.FromResult(0);
// upload the file to OneDrive
var uploadedFile = graphServiceClient.Users[eventOwnerEmail].Drive.Root
return uploadedFile;
public async Task<Permission> getShareLinkOfDriveItem(string eventOwnerEmail, DriveItem _item)
string token = GetGraphToken();
var graphServiceClient = new GraphServiceClient(new DelegateAuthenticationProvider((requestMessage) =>
.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);
return Task.FromResult(0);
var type = "view";
var scope = "anonymous";
var ret = await graphServiceClient.Users[eventOwnerEmail].Drive.Items[_item.Id]
.CreateLink(type, scope, null, null, null)
return ret;
var driveItem = uploadFileToOneDrive(eventOwnerEmail, filePath, fileName);
Task<Permission> shareLinkInfo = getShareLinkOfDriveItem(eventOwnerEmail, driveItem);
string shareLink = shareLinkInfo.Result.Link.WebUrl;
body = "<p>You can access the file from the link: <a href = '" + shareLink + "' >" + driveItem.Name + " </a></p> ";