Nativescript - 不同设备上的应用程序启动图标形状
Nativescript - app launch icon shapes on different devices
我使用 nativescript CLI "tns resources generate icons" 命令生成我的图标。一切看起来都不错,但......并非在所有设备上。当我使用此规范在 android 模拟器上安装我的应用程序时:
Device: pixel_xl (Google)
Target: Google APIs (Google Inc.)
Based on: Android API 28
Tag/ABI: google_apis/x86
我该如何处理?当我使用另一个工具生成圆形图标时,一切看起来都不错,但在这种情况下,我在每台设备上都有一个圆形图标。我想要一个正方形 - 有没有机会实现这个并且同时在 Android 版本上有一个圆形图标,其中所有图标都在圆圈中?
Android 8.0 (API level 26) introduces adaptive launcher icons, which can display a variety of shapes across different device models. For example, an adaptive launcher icon can display a circular shape on one OEM device, and display a squircle on another device. Each device OEM provides a mask, which the system then uses to render all adaptive icons with the same shape. Adaptive launcher icons are also used in shortcuts, the Settings app, sharing dialogs, and the overview screen.
Github. If you are interested to use these icons for your app, nStudio had published a blog post 上有一个开放的功能请求可能对您有帮助。
我使用 nativescript CLI "tns resources generate icons" 命令生成我的图标。一切看起来都不错,但......并非在所有设备上。当我使用此规范在 android 模拟器上安装我的应用程序时:
Device: pixel_xl (Google)
Target: Google APIs (Google Inc.)
Based on: Android API 28
Tag/ABI: google_apis/x86
我该如何处理?当我使用另一个工具生成圆形图标时,一切看起来都不错,但在这种情况下,我在每台设备上都有一个圆形图标。我想要一个正方形 - 有没有机会实现这个并且同时在 Android 版本上有一个圆形图标,其中所有图标都在圆圈中?
Android 8.0 (API level 26) introduces adaptive launcher icons, which can display a variety of shapes across different device models. For example, an adaptive launcher icon can display a circular shape on one OEM device, and display a squircle on another device. Each device OEM provides a mask, which the system then uses to render all adaptive icons with the same shape. Adaptive launcher icons are also used in shortcuts, the Settings app, sharing dialogs, and the overview screen.
Github. If you are interested to use these icons for your app, nStudio had published a blog post 上有一个开放的功能请求可能对您有帮助。