Python: 如何迭代 3 个列表

Python: How to iterate 3 lists

在我自己的时间做一门名为 GeoPython 2018 的课程,我严重困在第 3 课的练习 3 上。



我们被要求获取气象站名称列表、纬度列表和经度列表,并将它们分为 4 个区域(NE、NW、SE、SW),这些区域由截止值定义。

# Station names
stations = ['Hanko Russarö', 'Heinola Asemantaus', 'Helsinki Kaisaniemi', 
        'Helsinki Malmi airfield', 'Hyvinkää Hyvinkäänkylä', 'Joutsa Savenaho', 
        'Juuka Niemelä', 'Jyväskylä airport', 'Kaarina Yltöinen', 'Kauhava airfield', 
        'Kemi Kemi-Tornio airport', 'Kotka Rankki', 'Kouvola Anjala', 
        'Kouvola Utti airport', 'Kuopio Maaninka', 'Kuusamo airport', 
        'Lieksa Lampela', 'Mustasaari Valassaaret', 'Parainen Utö', 'Pori airport', 
        'Rovaniemi Apukka', 'Salo Kärkkä', 'Savonlinna Punkaharju Laukansaari', 
        'Seinäjoki Pelmaa', 'Siikajoki Ruukki', 'Siilinjärvi Kuopio airport', 
        'Tohmajärvi Kemie', 'Utsjoki Nuorgam', 'Vaala Pelso', 'Vaasa airport', 
        'Vesanto Sonkari', 'Vieremä Kaarakkala', 'Vihti Maasoja', 'Ylitornio Meltosjärvi']

# Latitude coordinates of Weather stations  
lats = [59.77, 61.2, 60.18, 60.25, 60.6, 61.88, 63.23, 62.4,
   60.39, 63.12, 65.78, 60.38, 60.7, 60.9, 63.14, 65.99,
   63.32, 63.44, 59.78, 61.47, 66.58, 60.37, 61.8, 62.94,
   64.68, 63.01, 62.24, 70.08, 64.5, 63.06, 62.92, 63.84,
   60.42, 66.53]

 # Longitude coordinates of Weather stations 
lons = [22.95, 26.05, 24.94, 25.05, 24.8, 26.09, 29.23, 25.67, 
   22.55, 23.04, 24.58, 26.96, 26.81, 26.95, 27.31, 29.23, 
   30.05, 21.07, 21.37, 21.79, 26.01, 23.11, 29.32, 22.49, 
   25.09, 27.8, 30.35, 27.9, 26.42, 21.75, 26.42, 27.22, 
   24.4, 24.65]

# Cutoff values that correspond to the centroid of Finnish mainland
# North - South
north_south_cutoff = 64.5

# East-West
east_west_cutoff = 26.3


north_west = []
north_east = []
south_west = []
south_east = []

我已经用了大概 3-4 个小时没有任何进展,尝试过使用字典

data = [{'station':stat, 'latitude': lat, 'longitude': lon}
    for stat, lat, lon in zip(stations, lats, lons)


任何方向的建议或推动都会有所帮助。这也是我的第一个 post 如果有不清楚的地方请见谅。

这是其中之一(抱歉,如果西经度较低,请将 > 切换到 < ):

north_west = [ a["station"] for a in data if a["latitude"] > north_south_cutoff and a["longitude"] > east_west_cutoff ]

您正在学习的课程是quite generous with hints, and they include instructions on what you should accomplish with this exercise

  1. Create four lists for geographical zones in Finland (i.e. nort_west, north_east, south_west, south_east)
  2. Iterate over values and determine to which geographical zone the station belongs
    1. Hint: You should create a loop that iterates N -number of times. Create a variable N that should contain the number of stations we have here.
    2. You should use a conditional statement to find out if the latitude coordinate of a station is either North or South of the center point of Finland (26.3, 64.5) AND if the longitude location is West or East from that center point.
    3. You should insert the name of the station into the correct geographical zone list (step 1)
  3. Print out the names of stations at each geographical zone

您涵盖了第 1 点,并找到了一种更有效的方法来完成第 2.1 点(遍历 3 个列表)。要完成第 2.2 点,请查看我在开头链接到的那些提示,特别是 Nested if statements 部分。如果这不能完全帮助您解决这个问题,您需要 re-reach the conditional statements chapter.


north_west = []
north_east = []
south_west = []
south_east = []

N = len(stations)

for i in range(N):
    station = stations[i]
    lat = lats[i]
    lon = lons[i]

    if <<test to see if lon is east of 26.3>>:
        if <<test to see if lat is north of 64.5>>:
            # add station to the north_east list
        else:  # south or at 64.5
            # add station to the south_east list
    else:  # west or at 26.3
        if <<test to see if lat is north of 64.5>>:
            # add station to the north_west list
        else:  # south or at 64.5
            # add station to the south_west list


有更有效的 'clever' 方法可以实现上述目标,您找到了一个 for i in range(N): 并且 3 个单独的分配可以替换为 for station, lat, lon in zip(....):。但是,我现在会坚持上述模式。我在下面包含了一种不同的方法,作为剧透块隐藏起来,以免分散您的注意力:

如果你想变得超级聪明,你可以创建一个映射 (boolean, boolean) 元组到这 4 个列表到 select 每个列表: 地区 = { # 北?,东? (错误,错误):south_west, (假,真):south_east, (对,错):north_west, (真的,真的):north_east, } 对于 zip 中的站、lon、lat(站、lons、lats): 地区 [lat > 64.5, lon > 26.3].append(station) 但这绝对超出了课程要求。 :-)

您可以使用 while 循环遍历所有这些纬度和经度值,然后检查

NW (lat>NWcutoff&lon<EWcutoff)

NE (lat>NWcutoff&lon>EWcutoff)

SW (lat<NWcutoff&lon<EWcutoff)

SE (lat<NWcutoff&lon>EWcutoff)



    stations = ['Hanko Russarö', 'Heinola Asemantaus', 'Helsinki Kaisaniemi', 'Helsinki Malmi airfield', 'Hyvinkää Hyvinkäänkylä', 'Joutsa Savenaho', 'Juuka Niemelä', 'Jyväskylä airport', 'Kaarina Yltöinen', 'Kauhava airfield', 'Kemi Kemi-Tornio airport', 'Kotka Rankki', 'Kouvola Anjala', 'Kouvola Utti airport', 'Kuopio Maaninka', 'Kuusamo airport', 'Lieksa Lampela', 'Mustasaari Valassaaret', 'Parainen Utö', 'Pori airport', 'Rovaniemi Apukka', 'Salo Kärkkä', 'Savonlinna Punkaharju Laukansaari', 'Seinäjoki Pelmaa', 'Siikajoki Ruukki', 'Siilinjärvi Kuopio airport', 'Tohmajärvi Kemie', 'Utsjoki Nuorgam', 'Vaala Pelso', 'Vaasa airport', 'Vesanto Sonkari', 'Vieremä Kaarakkala', 'Vihti Maasoja', 'Ylitornio Meltosjärvi']

    lats = [59.77, 61.2, 60.18, 60.25, 60.6, 61.88, 63.23, 62.4, 60.39, 63.12, 65.78, 60.38, 60.7, 60.9, 63.14, 65.99, 63.32, 63.44, 59.78, 61.47, 66.58, 60.37, 61.8, 62.94, 64.68, 63.01, 62.24, 70.08, 64.5, 63.06, 62.92, 63.84, 60.42, 66.53]

    lons = [22.95, 26.05, 24.94, 25.05, 24.8, 26.09, 29.23, 25.67, 22.55, 23.04, 24.58, 26.96, 26.81, 26.95, 27.31, 29.23, 30.05, 21.07, 21.37, 21.79, 26.01, 23.11, 29.32, 22.49, 25.09, 27.8, 30.35, 27.9, 26.42, 21.75, 26.42, 27.22, 24.4, 24.65]
    north_south_cutoff = 64.5
    east_west_cutoff = 26.3
    for i in range(0,len(stations)):
            if lats[i]>north_south_cutoff and lons[i]>east_west_cutoff:
            elif lats[i]<north_south_cutoff and lons[i]>east_west_cutoff:
            elif lats[i]>north_south_cutoff and lons[i]<east_west_cutoff:
            elif lats[i]<north_south_cutoff and lons[i]<east_west_cutoff:


建议使用 enumerate 内置函数从第一个列表中获取索引和值(站名)。然后使用索引获取另外两个值(纬度和经度)并检查这些值以确定它们属于哪个区域。然后将此名称添加到结果列表 station_list[quatrant].append(name)


# Cutoff values that correspond to the centroid of Finnish mainland
# North - South
north_south_cutoff = 64.5

# East-West
east_west_cutoff = 26.3

# Station names
stations = ['Hanko Russarö', 'Heinola Asemantaus', 'Helsinki Kaisaniemi',
        'Helsinki Malmi airfield', 'Hyvinkää Hyvinkäänkylä', 'Joutsa Savenaho',
        'Juuka Niemelä', 'Jyväskylä airport', 'Kaarina Yltöinen', 'Kauhava airfield',
        'Kemi Kemi-Tornio airport', 'Kotka Rankki', 'Kouvola Anjala',
        'Kouvola Utti airport', 'Kuopio Maaninka', 'Kuusamo airport',
        'Lieksa Lampela', 'Mustasaari Valassaaret', 'Parainen Utö', 'Pori airport',
        'Rovaniemi Apukka', 'Salo Kärkkä', 'Savonlinna Punkaharju Laukansaari',
        'Seinäjoki Pelmaa', 'Siikajoki Ruukki', 'Siilinjärvi Kuopio airport',
        'Tohmajärvi Kemie', 'Utsjoki Nuorgam', 'Vaala Pelso', 'Vaasa airport',
        'Vesanto Sonkari', 'Vieremä Kaarakkala', 'Vihti Maasoja', 'Ylitornio Meltosjärvi']

# Latitude coordinates of Weather stations
lats = [59.77, 61.2, 60.18, 60.25, 60.6, 61.88, 63.23, 62.4,
   60.39, 63.12, 65.78, 60.38, 60.7, 60.9, 63.14, 65.99,
   63.32, 63.44, 59.78, 61.47, 66.58, 60.37, 61.8, 62.94,
   64.68, 63.01, 62.24, 70.08, 64.5, 63.06, 62.92, 63.84,
   60.42, 66.53]

 # Longitude coordinates of Weather stations
lons = [22.95, 26.05, 24.94, 25.05, 24.8, 26.09, 29.23, 25.67,
   22.55, 23.04, 24.58, 26.96, 26.81, 26.95, 27.31, 29.23,
   30.05, 21.07, 21.37, 21.79, 26.01, 23.11, 29.32, 22.49,
   25.09, 27.8, 30.35, 27.9, 26.42, 21.75, 26.42, 27.22,
   24.4, 24.65]

region_name = ['North-West', 'North East', 'South West', 'South East']

NW = 0
NE = 1
SW = 2
SE = 3

def divide_station(stations, lats, lons):
    station_list = [[] for _ in range(SE+1)]
    for index, name in enumerate(stations):
        if lats[index] > north_south_cutoff:
            quatrant = NE if lons[index] > east_west_cutoff else NW
            quatrant = SE if lons[index] > east_west_cutoff else SW
    return station_list

north_west, north_east, south_west, south_east = divide_station(stations, lats, lons)

station_list = [north_west, north_east, south_west, south_east]

for index, region in enumerate(station_list):
    print('\nRegion:', region_name[index])
    for number, name in enumerate(region):
        print('%2d. %s' % (number+1, name))


Region: North-West
 1. Kemi Kemi-Tornio airport
 2. Rovaniemi Apukka
 3. Siikajoki Ruukki
 4. Ylitornio Meltosjärvi

Region: North East
 1. Kuusamo airport
 2. Utsjoki Nuorgam

Region: South West
 1. Hanko Russarö
 2. Heinola Asemantaus
 3. Helsinki Kaisaniemi
 4. Helsinki Malmi airfield
 5. Hyvinkää Hyvinkäänkylä
 6. Joutsa Savenaho
 7. Jyväskylä airport
 8. Kaarina Yltöinen
 9. Kauhava airfield
10. Mustasaari Valassaaret
11. Parainen Utö
12. Pori airport
13. Salo Kärkkä
14. Seinäjoki Pelmaa
15. Vaasa airport
16. Vihti Maasoja

Region: South East
 1. Juuka Niemelä
 2. Kotka Rankki
 3. Kouvola Anjala
 4. Kouvola Utti airport
 5. Kuopio Maaninka
 6. Lieksa Lampela
 7. Savonlinna Punkaharju Laukansaari
 8. Siilinjärvi Kuopio airport
 9. Tohmajärvi Kemie
10. Vaala Pelso
11. Vesanto Sonkari
12. Vieremä Kaarakkala