如何将 ld -Ttext 选项转换为链接描述文件?

How to convert ld -Ttext option to a linker script?

我找到了关于创建操作系统的教程,我正在尝试将 make 文件中的链接部分转换为链接描述文件。



SOURCES = $(shell find cpu drivers include kernel libc -name '*.c')
HEADERS = $(shell find cpu drivers include kernel libc -name '*.h')
OBJ = ${SOURCES:.c=.o cpu/interrupt.o}

ASM = nasm 
CC = gcc  
LD = ld -m elf_i386 
CFLAGS = -g -ffreestanding -Wall -Wextra -fno-exceptions -m32 -std=c11 -fno-pie

ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin)     
    CC = i386-elf-gcc   
    LD = i386-elf-ld 

all: os-image.bin

run: all    
    qemu-system-i386 os-image.bin

    rm -rf *.dis *.o *.elf  
    rm -rf *.bin os-image.bin boot/*.bin kernel/*.bin   
    rm -rf boot/*.o cpu/*.o drivers/*.o kernel/*.o libc/*.o

os-image.bin: boot/boot.bin kernel/kernel.bin   
    cat $^ > os-image.bin

boot/boot.bin: boot/boot.asm    
    ${ASM} $< -f bin -o $@

kernel/kernel.bin: boot/kernel_entry.o ${OBJ}   
     ${LD} -o $@ -Ttext 0x1000 $^ --oformat binary

# ${LD} -o $@ -Tlinker.ld
# ${LD} -o $@ -Ttext 0x1000 $^ --oformat binary

%.o: %.c ${HEADERS}     ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $< -o $@

%.o: %.asm  ${ASM} $< -f elf -o $@

%.bin: %.asm    ${ASM} $< -f bin -o $@

这是我为这个 make 文件的链接阶段创建链接器脚本的尝试:

INPUT(boot/kernel_entry.o cpu/idt.o cpu/interrupt.o cpu/isr.o cpu/ports.o cpu/timer.o drivers/keyboard.o drivers/screen.o libc/mem.o libc/string.o libc/common.o kernel/kernel.o)
    . = 0x1000;
    .text : { *(.text) }
    end = .; _end = .; __end = .;

boot/kernel_entry.o 没有 .data 或 .bss,这就是为什么我没有将它们包含在链接描述文件中。我知道 -Ttext 0x1000 是应该加载 .text 部分的位置,这就是为什么我将计数器设置为从 0x1000 地址开始的原因。当我 运行 系统在 makefile ${LD} -o $@ -Tlinker.ld 中使用新的链接命令时,系统无法正常工作,所以我做错了什么。我已经尝试添加简单的 .data 和 .bss 部分以及所有其他类型的东西,但仍然无法通过链接脚本使这些东西正常工作。任何帮助都会很棒。


您链接到的教程适用于 64 位 code.Your Makefile,随后的评论表明您正在尝试将其修改为 assemble/compile/run 作为 32 位内核。我已将下面讨论的修订项目的副本放在我的 wesbite. A compressed tarball can be downloaded from here.

关于将内核加载到内存中,您的教程相当愚蠢。它要求您知道要读取多少扇区并对值进行硬编码。弄错会导致异常行为。与其对值进行硬编码,您可以获得 NASM 以包含 kernel.bin inside boot.bin 以便引导加载程序可以计算要读取的扇区数装配时间。并非所有仿真器和真实机器都支持多轨读取,因此我将修改引导加载程序以使用 LBA 寻址一次读取一个扇区。要了解有关 CHS 到 LBA 转换计算的更多信息,您可以查看我关于该主题的其他 。修改 boot/boot.asm 为:

STAGE2_ABS_ADDR  equ 0x01000
STAGE2_RUN_SEG   equ 0x0000
                                ; Run stage2 with segment of 0x0000 and offset of 0x1000

                                ; Segment to start reading Stage2 into
                                ;     right after bootloader

STAGE2_LBA_START equ 1          ; Logical Block Address(LBA) Stage2 starts on
                                ;     LBA 1 = sector after boot sector
                                ; Logical Block Address(LBA) Stage2 ends at
DISK_RETRIES     equ 3          ; Number of times to retry on disk error

bits 16
ORG 0x7c00

; Include a BPB (1.44MB floppy with FAT12) to be more comaptible with USB floppy media
; %include "bpb.inc"

    xor ax, ax                  ; DS=SS=ES=0 for stage2 loading
    mov ds, ax
    mov ss, ax                  ; Stack at 0x0000:0x0000
                                ;     (grows down fromtopof1st 64KiB segment)
    mov sp, 0x0000
    cld                         ; Set string instructions to use forward movement

    ; Read Stage2 1 sector at a time until stage2 is completely loaded
    mov [bootDevice], dl        ; Save boot drive
    mov bx, MSG_LOAD_KERNEL
    call print_string

    mov di, STAGE2_LOAD_SEG     ; DI = Current segment to read into
    mov si, STAGE2_LBA_START    ; SI = LBA that stage2 starts at
    jmp .chk_for_last_lba       ; Check to see if we are last sector in stage2

    mov bp, DISK_RETRIES        ; Set disk retry count

    call lba_to_chs             ; Convert current LBA to CHS
    mov es, di                  ; Set ES to current segment number to read into
    xor bx, bx                  ; Offset zero in segment

    mov ax, 0x0201              ; Call function 0x02 of int 13h (read sectors)
                                ;     AL = 1 = Sectors to read
    int 0x13                    ; BIOS Disk interrupt call
    jc .disk_error              ; If CF set then disk error

    add di, 512>>4              ; Advance to next 512 byte segment (0x20*16=512)
    inc si                      ; Next LBA

    cmp si, STAGE2_LBA_END      ; Have we reached the last stage2 sector?
    jl .read_sector_loop        ;     If we haven't then read next sector

    call switch_to_pm

    xor ah, ah                  ; Int13h/AH=0 is drive reset
    int 0x13
    dec bp                      ; Decrease retry count
    jge .retry                  ; If retry count not exceeded then try again

    ; Unrecoverable error; print drive error; enter infinite loop
    mov bx, diskErrorMsg        ; Display disk error message
    call print_string
    jmp .error_loop

;    Function: lba_to_chs
; Description: Translate Logical block address to CHS (Cylinder, Head, Sector).
;              Works for all valid FAT12 compatible disk geometries.
;   Resources: http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-0607.htm
;              https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_block_addressing#CHS_conversion
;              Sector    = (LBA mod SPT) + 1
;              Head      = (LBA / SPT) mod HEADS
;              Cylinder  = (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
;      Inputs: SI = LBA
;     Outputs: DL = Boot Drive Number
;              DH = Head
;              CH = Cylinder (lower 8 bits of 10-bit cylinder)
;              CL = Sector/Cylinder
;                   Upper 2 bits of 10-bit Cylinders in upper 2 bits of CL
;                   Sector in lower 6 bits of CL
;       Notes: Output registers match expectation of Int 13h/AH=2 inputs
    push ax                     ; Preserve AX
    mov ax, si                  ; Copy LBA to AX
    xor dx, dx                  ; Upper 16-bit of 32-bit value set to 0 for DIV
    div word [sectorsPerTrack]  ; 32-bit by 16-bit DIV : LBA / SPT
    mov cl, dl                  ; CL = S = LBA mod SPT
    inc cl                      ; CL = S = (LBA mod SPT) + 1
    xor dx, dx                  ; Upper 16-bit of 32-bit value set to 0 for DIV
    div word [numHeads]         ; 32-bit by 16-bit DIV : (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
    mov dh, dl                  ; DH = H = (LBA / SPT) mod HEADS
    mov dl, [bootDevice]        ; boot device, not necessary to set but convenient
    mov ch, al                  ; CH = C(lower 8 bits) = (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
    shl ah, 6                   ; Store upper 2 bits of 10-bit Cylinder into
    or  cl, ah                  ;     upper 2 bits of Sector (CL)
    pop ax                      ; Restore scratch registers

%include "boot/print/print_string.asm"
%include "boot/pm/switch_to_pm.asm"
%include "boot/pm/gdt.asm"

bits 32

jmp 0x1000

; Uncomment these lines if not using a BPB (via bpb.inc)
%ifndef WITH_BPB
numHeads:        dw 2         ; 1.44MB Floppy has 2 heads & 18 sector per track
sectorsPerTrack: dw 18

bootDevice:      db 0x00
diskErrorMsg:    db "Unrecoverable disk error!", 0
MSG_PROT_MODE db "Landed in 32-bit Protected Mode", 0
MSG_LOAD_KERNEL db "Loading kernel into memory", 0

; Pad boot sector to 510 bytes and add 2 byte boot signature for 512 total bytes
TIMES 510-($-$$) db  0
dw 0xaa55

; Beginning of stage2. This is at 0x1000 and will allow your stage2 to be 32.5KiB
; before running into problems. DL will be set to the drive number originally
; passed to us by the BIOS.

NUM_STAGE2_SECTORS equ (stage2_end-stage2_start+511) / 512
                                ; Number of 512 byte sectors stage2 uses.

    ; Insert stage2 binary here. It is done this way since we
    ; can determine the size(and number of sectors) to load since
    ;     Size = stage2_end-stage2_start
    incbin "kernel/kernel.bin"

; End of stage2. Make sure this label is LAST in this file!

您的 Makefile 可以进行一些清理。我注意到您手动将 interrupts.o 添加到 OBJ(因为它是一个 ASM 文件)。我建议收集所有与内核相关的 .asm 文件并将它们添加到 OBJ 列表中。我建议将其更改为:

SOURCES  = $(shell find cpu drivers include kernel libc -name '*.c')
KERN_ASM = $(shell find cpu drivers include kernel libc -name '*.asm')
HEADERS  = $(shell find cpu drivers include kernel libc -name '*.h')
OBJ      = ${SOURCES:.c=.o} ${KERN_ASM:.asm=.o}

ASM = nasm
CC = gcc
LD = ld -m elf_i386
OBJCOPY = objcopy

CFLAGS = -g -ffreestanding -Wall -Wextra -fno-exceptions -m32 -std=c11 -fno-pic \

ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Darwin)
        CC = i386-elf-gcc
        LD = i386-elf-ld
        OBJCOPY = i386-elf-objcopy

all: os-image.bin

run: all
        qemu-system-i386 os-image.bin

        rm -rf *.dis *.o *.elf
        rm -rf *.bin os-image.bin boot/*.bin kernel/*.bin
        rm -rf boot/*.o cpu/*.o drivers/*.o kernel/*.o libc/*.o

# Make a 1.44MiB disk image. Can work for HDA and FDA booting
os-image.bin: kernel/kernel.bin boot/boot.bin
        dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=1024 count=1440
        dd if=$(word 2,$^) of=$@ conv=notrunc

boot/boot.bin: boot/boot.asm
        ${ASM} $< -f bin -o $@

kernel/kernel.bin: kernel/kernel.elf
        ${OBJCOPY} -O binary $^ $@

kernel/kernel.elf: ${OBJ}
        ${LD} -o $@ -Tlinker.ld $^

%.o: %.c ${HEADERS}
        ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $< -o $@

%.o: %.asm
        ${ASM} $< -f elf -o $@

%.bin: %.asm
        ${ASM} $< -f bin -o $@

这个make文件使用DD创建一个1.44MiB的软盘镜像,可以用作软盘或硬盘镜像。您会注意到我已经从显式依赖列表中删除了 kernel_entry.asm。要让这个新 Makefile 正常工作 您必须将 boot/kernel_entry.asm 移动到 kernel/kernel_entry.asm。确保你 REMOVE boot/kernel_entry.asm.

修改 kernel/kernel_entry.asm 以使用部分 .text.entry 并将 BSS 清零。它看起来像这样:

global _start

bits 32
extern kernel_main
extern __bss_start
extern __bss_sizel

section .text.entry

  ; Zero out the BSS memory area a DWORD at a time
  ; since the memory isn't guaranteed to already be zero
  xor eax, eax
  mov ecx, __bss_sizel
  mov edi, __bss_start
  rep stosd

  ; Call C entry point of kernel
  call kernel_main
  jmp $

适用于这些更改的链接描述文件 linker.ld 如下:


    . = 0x1000;

    .text : SUBALIGN(4)
        *(.text.entry)       /* Ensure .text.entry appears first */

    .bss : SUBALIGN(4) {
        __bss_start = .;
        *(COMMON)            /* all COMMON sections from all files */
        *(.bss)              /* all BSS sections from all files */
    . = ALIGN(4);
    __bss_end = .;
    __bss_sizeb = __bss_end - __bss_start;       /* BSS size in bytes */
    __bss_sizel = (__bss_end - __bss_start) / 4; /* BSS size in longs/DWORDs */

    /DISCARD/ : {            /* Remove Unneeded sections */

    end = .; _end = .; __end = .;

它处理基本 OS 的 ELF 文件中通常会看到的所有正常段。它还使用一个特殊的 .entry.text 部分来确保 kernel/kernel_entry.asm 中的代码排在第一位。