
Powershell: How to remove first empty blank line in console output of an array?


$exeoutput = @(
    "     Compression          : CCITT Group 4",
    "     Width                : 3180",
    "     Height               : 4908"
$var = $exeoutput.trim() | Select-String "Height|Width|Compress"
echo ----------------
echo ---------------



Compression          : CCITT Group 4
Width                : 3180
Height               : 4908

如何从控制台输出中删除上 ---------------- 之后的第一个空行?

$var 变量的每个元素都是 MatchInfo 类型。您需要将它们转换为 string,如下所示:



阅读ForEach and Where magic methods:

ForEach(type convertToType)

Unique to the ForEach method, you can pass a type into the ForEach method if you want to convert every item in a collection into another type. For example, imagine you have a collection of objects and you want to convert those objects into their string equivalent. Here is what that would look like with the ForEach method:

# Get a collection of processes
$processes = Get-Process
# Convert the objects in that collection into their string equivalent

You could have performed the same task by typecasting the collection into an array of type string (e.g. [string[]]$processes), and typecasting the array is in fact significantly faster, however there’s a very good chance you wouldn’t even notice the difference in execution time unless you were working with a very, very large collection. Despite the time difference, I will tend to prefer the ForEach method syntax in certain situations if it allows me to maintain elegance in the implementation by avoiding extra round brackets in the scripts I write.

示例 代码片段(针对 进行了更新):

$var = $exeoutput.trim() | Select-String "Height|Width|Compress"
'-' * 15
'-' * 15


Compression          : CCITT Group 4
Width                : 3180
Height               : 4908

请注意 echoWrite-Output cmdlet 的别名:

This cmdlet is typically used in scripts to display strings and other objects on the console. However, because the default behavior is to display the objects at the end of a pipeline, it is generally not necessary to use the cmdlet.

请注意 you can multiply numbers, strings, and arrays(请参阅 ˙'-' * 15˙ 而不是 ----------------)。