工厂函数:为什么状态变量没有变为 "OK"?

Factory function: why doesn't status variable change to "OK"?

我正在从 javascript 类 切换到工厂函数。 除了参数,我还需要内部属性,例如。以下简化示例中的状态。那么,为什么 status 没有设置为 OK,应该如何设置?

const Model = (name) => {
    name = "myname";
    let status = "initial";

    const setOK = () => {
        status = "OK";
    return {name, status, setOK}

const m = Model();
console.log(m.status); //status is initial
console.log(m.status);  //expecting OK, but still initial


return {name, status, setOK}

returns 具有这三个属性的对象,其值与返回对象时的值相同。如果你想要改变对象,而不是在 Model 中预先定义对象,并在 setOK:


const Model = (name) => {
  name = "myname";
  let status = "initial";
  const setOK = () => {
    obj.status = "OK";
  const obj = { name, status, setOK };
  return obj;

const m = Model();

Object Composition

使用Object.assign() to merge objects or "inherit" methods without using class or prototype. Composition over inheritance



Object monitor has setOK() method. 
Note the parenthesis wrapped around the curly braces ensures
that the object literal will be invoked as a expression.
The props object from Model is passed to monitor object
const monitor = props => ({
  setOK: () => {
    props.status = "OK";

/* Factory Function 
Note the object literal props. props will be passed through
Object.assign() method in order to inherit the method setOK() from the monitor object.
const Model = name => {
  let props = {
    name: name,
    status: "initial"
  return Object.assign(props, monitor(props));

// Create object m with the name: "checkStatus"
const m = Model("checkStatus");
// Verify object m is named "checkStatus"
console.log('name: '+m.name);
// Check status
console.log('status: '+m.status);
// Invoke .setOK() method
// Check status
console.log('status: '+m.status);