如何让 AKSequencer 在到达序列末尾时自动停止?

How to make AKSequencer to stop automatically if it reached the end of the sequence?

我注意到 AKSequencer 会继续播放(AKSequencer.isPlaying 是正确的),即使序列中没有更多音符可播放。是否可以让它在序列结束时自动停止?

您可以使用 AKMIDICallbackInstrument 根据音序器正在播放的内容触发代码。在这种情况下,添加一个额外的轨道并将其输出设置为 AKMIDICalllbackInstrument。在您希望音序器停止的位置向此轨道添加一个事件(如果您不知道它有多长,可以使用 sequencer.length)。然后设置callback instrument的回调函数,在接收到事件时停止sequencer。

var seq = AKSequencer()
var callbackInst: AKMIDICallbackInstrument!
var controlTrack: AKMusicTrack!

func setUpCallback() {
    // set up a control track
    controlTrack = seq.newTrack()

    // add an event at the end
    // we don't care about anything here other than the position
    controlTrack.add(noteNumber: 60,
                     velocity: 60,
                     position: seq.length,
                     duration: AKDuration(beats: 1))

    // set up the MIDI callback instrument
    callbackInst = AKMIDICallbackInstrument()

    // stop the sequencer when the control track's event's noteOn is recieved
    callbackInst.callback = { statusByte, _, _ in
        guard let status  = AKMIDIStatus(statusByte: statusByte) else { return }
        if status == .noteOn {