通过 pandas 查找另一个 df,在 df 的 1 列内填充 NaN

Fill NaN's within 1 column of a df via lookup to another df via pandas

我看到了这个问题的各种版本,但其中 none 似乎符合我正在尝试做的事情:这是我的数据:

这是带有 NaNs 的 df:

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": ["10023", "10040", np.nan, "12345", np.nan, np.nan, "10033", np.nan, np.nan],
               "B": [",", "17,-6", "19,-2", "17,-5", "37,-5", ",", "9,-10", "19,-2", "2,-5"],
               "C": ["small", "large", "large", "small", "small", "large", "small", "small", "large"]})

       A      B      C
0  10023      ,  small
1  10040  17,-6  large
2    NaN  19,-2  large
3  12345  17,-5  small
4    NaN  37,-5  small
5    NaN      ,  large
6  10033  9,-10  small
7    NaN  19,-2  small
8    NaN   2,-5  large

接下来我有一个名为 df2:

的查找 df
df2 = pd.DataFrame({"B": ['17,-5', '19,-2', '37,-5', '9,-10'],
                "A": ["10040", "54321", "12345", "10033"]})

       B      A
0  17,-5  10040
1  19,-2  54321
2  37,-5  12345
3  9,-10  10033

我想通过查找 df2.B 列并返回 df2.A 来填写 dfA 列的 NaN,这样结果 dfr 看起来像这样:

       A      B      C
0  10023      ,  small
1  10040  17,-6  large
2  54321  19,-2  large
3  10040  17,-5  small
4  12345  37,-5  small
5    NaN      ,  large
6  10033  9,-10  small
7  54321  19,-2  small
8    NaN   2,-5  large


  1. df没有匹配的索引
  2. df.Adf2.A的内容不唯一()
  3. df2 的行组成了唯一的对。
  4. 假设有更多列,未显示,有 NaNs。

使用 pandas,df 上感兴趣的行将通过(我认为)找到:df.loc[df['A'].isnull(),] 答案似乎很有希望,但我不清楚该示例中的 df1 来自哪里。我的实际数据集比这大得多,我将不得不以这种方式替换几列。

只需使用 np.where

       A      B      C
0  10023      ,  small
1  10040  17,-6  large
2  54321  19,-2  large
3  12345  17,-5  small
4  12345  37,-5  small
5    NaN      ,  large
6  10033  9,-10  small
7  54321  19,-2  small
8    NaN   2,-5  large


你可以使用pd.merge,因为这基本上是一个join问题。 合并后,我们填充并删除不需要的列。

df_final = pd.merge(df, df2, on='B', how='left', suffixes=['_1','_2'])
df_final['A'] = df_final.A_1.fillna(df_final.A_2)
df_final.drop(['A_1', 'A_2'], axis=1, inplace=True)

       B      C      A
0      ,  small  10023
1  17,-6  large  10040
2  19,-2  large  54321
3  17,-5  small  12345
4  37,-5  small  12345
5      ,  large    NaN
6  9,-10  small  10033
7  19,-2  small  54321
8   2,-5  large    NaN