OrderBy 记录 ASC 分两列

OrderBy record ASC in two columns

我正在尝试在 windows 应用程序中以我的专栏大声形式进行 OrderBy。我尝试使用此代码:

using (SqlCommand sqlcomm = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM remaining WHERE username=@username and status=@status and company_status=@company_status ORDER BY call_case ASC , Payment_Status ASC", sqlconn))


我要找的是OrderBy (call_case) ASC,当call_case= (2-Answer) OrderBy (Payment_Status) ASC .

 (  call_case ), ( Payment_Status )

   null    ,    null 

   1-No Answer ,    null

   2-answer    ,    1-Promise Payment

   2-answer    ,    2-Have Problem

   2-answer    ,    3-Reject Payment

   3- not Exist ,      null

i have a note it my be help the text start with number like 1-No Answer , 2-answer , 3- not Exist

您可以使用 CASE 表达式和 ORDER BY like

SELECT * FROM remaining 
WHERE username=@username 
and status=@status 
and company_status=@company_status 
ORDER BY      
   case when call_case='Answer' then 0 else 1 end ASC,      
   Payment_Status ASC