如何在赛普拉斯的 PSoC 4 BLE 上实施 iBeacon?

How to implement iBeacon on PSoC 4 BLE from Cypress?

What is the iBeacon Bluetooth Profile I understood the format of iBeacon. In Project #008: GAP Broadcaster 提到 iBeacon 基于 GAP Broadcaster 方法。但是,PSoC Creator 不允许我自定义广告数据包以制作基于 GAP Broadcaster 模板的 iBeacon。我该怎么做?

您可以创建一个新的 adv 类型数据包并使用 API CyBle_GapUpdateAdvData() 来更新广告数据。 在以下位置尝试该项目: https://github.com/cypresssemiconductorco/PSoC-4-BLE/tree/master/100_Projects_in_100_Days/Day009_Dynamic_Broadcaster