无法访问 repo 的用户的拉取请求审查

Pull request review from user without access to repo


Hello, please review and approve this PR (link)

...只能收到来自 octobiwan 的 404。不可避免地我会回复...

I don't seem to have access to this repo, can you make sure you've sent me the correct link and that you've granted me appropriate permissions?


How do I grant you permissions?


Please don't email me anymore. You can request a review from me by selecting my name from the drop-down. If you don't see my name, then I can't review it and you need to get an admin to grant me access to do so first.

凭直觉,我预计您只能向有权完成审核的人请求审核;并且一些抽查 出现 以确认此行为。但是,由于我找不到任何明确证实这一点的东西,所以我想问一下互联网:

您能否向没有访问权限的用户请求 GitHub 代码审查以完成它?

...是否有官方措辞表明是这样还是不是这样? org permissions matrix 中的下一行是否像它得到的那样明确?

| Repository action      |     Read    |    Write    |    Admin    |    Owner    |
|                        | permissions | permissions | permissions | permissions |
| …                                                                              
| Submit reviews on pull |      X      |      X      |      X      |      X      |
| requests               |             |             |             |             |

以下文档指出,如果某人具有只读访问权限,您只能请求 PR。这意味着他们应该停止直接向您发送电子邮件,并使用在分配给他们后自动发送电子邮件请求的功能。


Repository owners and collaborators can request a pull request review from anyone with read access to the repository. Organization members can also request a pull request review from teams with read access to the repository. The requested reviewer or team will receive a notification that you asked them to review the pull request.