python 和 Tkinter 中的逻辑:如何无休止地制作 window 运行

Logic within python and Tkinter: how to make a window run endlessly

我目前正在尝试使用 Tkinter 构建战舰游戏。然而,我陷入了僵局,因为我无法正确地制作程序 "wait" 来获得答案并显示 Tkinter window。 我的想法是,只要按下提交按钮,就会将一个值设置为 true。只要该值为 false,程序就会循环执行 while 循环。触发此值时,将给出下一组操作,同时将该值设置回 false,并等待它再次变为 true。这是代码:

from Tkinter import *

import time

class Application(Frame):

    def __init__(self,master):
        self.user = False
        self.master = master
        self.shiplist = []

        self.board = [
        self.letters = [["A",1],["B",2],["C",3],["D",4],["E",5],["F",6],["G",7],["H",8],["I",9],["J",10]]
    def launch(self):
        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        Label(self, text="Your Board").grid(sticky=W,row = 0, column = 0)
        Label(self, text="Enemy Board").grid(sticky=W, row = 0,column = 2)

        canvas1 = Canvas(self)
        canvas1.create_rectangle(2,2,250,250,outline= "black",fill = "white")
        canvas1.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=2)

        canvas2 = Canvas(self)
        canvas2.create_rectangle(2,2,250,250,outline= "black",fill = "white")
        canvas2.grid(row=1, column=2, columnspan=2, rowspan=2)

        self.actionLabel = Label(self,text = "Currently Placing:")
        self.actionLabel.grid(row = 3,column= 0,sticky = W)

        self.infoLabel1 = Label(self,text ="")
        self.infoLabel1.grid(row = 4,column = 0)

        self.infoLabel2 = Label(self,text = "")

        self.userinput = Entry(self,text = "Write here")

        Button(self,text = "Submit",command = self.action).grid(row = 6,column = 1,sticky = W)

        self.errorlabel = Label(self,text = "")
    def action(self):
        value = self.userinput.get()
        self.user = True
        print "action successful"
    def request_ship(self,allegiance,name,size):
        print allegiance,name,size
        ship = [name,size]
        error = False
        if allegiance == "player":
            print "here"
            while error == False:
                self.user = False
                text1 =  name + "Size: "+ str(size) + " cells."
                self.infoLabel1.configure(text = text1)
                self.infoLabel2.configure(text = "Would you like for your ship to be vertical or horizontal? v/h:")
                if self.user == True:    
                    if value != "vertical" and value != "horizontal" and value != "h" and value != "v":
                        self.errorlabel.configure(text = "Error! Incorrect Format!")
                        error = False
                        self.user = False
                        if value == "h":
                            ship += value
                            self.infoLabel2.configure(text = "Please enter the leftmost coordinate of where you want to place your ship:")
                            if self.user== True:
                                if len(value) > 1 and len(value) <= 3 and (value[0] == "A"
                                or value[0] == "B" or value[0] == "C" or value[0] == "D"
                                or value[0] == "E" or value[0] == "F" or value[0] == "G"
                                or value[0] == "H" or value[0] == "I" or value[0] == "J") and (value[1] == "1"
                                or value[1] == "2" or value[1] == "3" or value[1] == "4"
                                or value[1] == "5" or value[1] == "6" or value[1] == "7"
                                or value[1] == "8" or value[1] == "9" or value[1] == "10"):
                                    for i in range(len(self.board)):
                                        if self.board[i][0] == value[0] and self.board[i][0] == value[1:]:
                                            num = 0
                                            for i in size:
                                                coord+= i + num
                                                num += 1
        print ship
    def request_ships(self):
        print "request ships works"
        self.request_ship("player","Aircraft Carrier",5)

    def grid(self,gridinfo,shipinfo):
        coord = 0
        cellnum = 0
        for number in range(100):

            cell = Canvas(self)
            for ship in shipinfo:
               ## if #####
                print "tt"

def main():

    root = Tk()
    app = Application(root)
    app.geometry = ("1000x1000")


但是,问题是 window 在加载 request_ships 函数时永远不会出现,因为它在 while 循环中无休止地运行。关于如何解决此问题的任何提示?

有些事情需要研究:您有 while error == False,但在循环中对 error 的唯一引用是将 False 分配给它。在循环中,您分配 self.user = False,但随后循环中的几乎所有内容都依赖于进入 if self.user == True。您将 self.userinput.get() 分配给 local 变量 value 而不是实例变量。您应该更多地使用 in 运算符以避免进行许多单独的比较。您只检查了 if self.user == True 内的大型 if 语句中的 value[1]。您可以直接引用该值,而不是检查值是否等于 TrueFalse,例如if self.user:,因为表达 True == True 的另一种方式就是 True(除非该变量具有不确定的类型并且您确实需要检查它是否是 True 或者,比如说,非空字符串)。您正在检查 Entry 框中的内容,然后才真正准备好 - 您应该将 request_ships() 放入某些 Button 的命令中,或者至少用 after() 等一下。您正在检查 self.board[i][0] 是否等于 value[0]value[1],只有当用户输入无效的内容(如 AA 时才会为真)。如果我们修复它以同时检查 self.board[i][1],它仍然无法工作,因为 Entry 小部件中的所有内容都是字符串,必须将其转换为 int。您不能将字符串连接到 list - 使用 append()。从单个函数中一个接一个地检查 vertical/horizontal、位置等将 运行 变成问题,因为您永远不会等待用户输入不同的值。

这里是 request_ship() 的示例,其中实施了其中一些更改,因此您可以了解去哪里:

def request_ship(self,allegiance,name,size):
    print allegiance,name,size
    ship = [name,size]
    error = True
    if allegiance == "player":
        print "here"
        text1 =  name + "Size: "+ str(size) + " cells."
        self.infoLabel1.configure(text = text1)
        self.infoLabel2.configure(text = "Would you like for your ship to be vertical or horizontal? v/h:")
        if self.user:    
            if self.value not in ("vertical", "horizontal", "h", "v"):
                self.errorlabel.configure(text = "Error! Incorrect Format!")
                self.user = False
                if self.value == "h":
                    self.infoLabel2.configure(text = "Please enter the leftmost coordinate of where you want to place your ship:")
                    if self.user:
                            v1 = int(self.value[1:])
                        except ValueError:
                        if 1 < len(self.value) <= 3 and (self.value[0] in "ABCDEFGHIJ") and (v1 in range(1,11)):
                            for i in range(len(self.board)):
                                if self.board[i][0] == self.value[0] and self.board[i][1] == v1:
                                    num = 0
                                    for i in size:
                                        coord+= i + num
                                        num += 1
            self.user = False

请注意,上面的代码既不完整,也不是使您的程序正常工作的替代品。您的代码将需要进行一些认真的重组,以处理作为 GUI 程序与命令行程序的区别。