Clearcase 同步问题

Clearcase Sync Issue


/usr/atria/bin/cleartool desc vob:/vobs/esam/configspecs
versioned object base "/vobs/esam/configspecs"
  created 2004-02-16T19:20:26+05:30 by van aken (cm.we2@bt0pjb)
  "ESAM build vob"
  master replica: ANTWERP_3@/vobs/esam/configspecs
  replica name: CHENNAI_1
  VOB family feature level: 4
  VOB storage host:pathname "andd006:/net/in0oianas002/in0oianas002_SAS_U1/C-T3-P-fad-vobs08/configspecs.vbs"
  VOB storage global pathname "/net/in0oianas002/in0oianas002_SAS_U1/C-T3-P-fad-vobs08/configspecs.vbs"
  database schema version: 54
  modification by remote privileged user: allowed
  atomic checkin: disabled
  VOB ownership:
    owner nobody
    group nobody
    FeatureLevel = 4
    AdminVOB -> vob:/vobs/admin/cc_admin

当我 运行 lsepoch 时它有两个站点,我得到如下输出

Oplog IDs for row "ANTWERP_3" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156342      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)

Oplog IDs for row "CHENNAI_1" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156342      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)


 Oplog IDs for row "ANTWERP_3" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156346      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)

 Oplog IDs for row "ANTWERP_3" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156346      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)

但是当我 运行 在两个站点上使用 syncreplica 命令时,它显示为最新的目标副本

/usr/atria/bin/multitool syncreplica -export -fship CHENNAI_1@/vobs/esam/configspecs


您可以在“Different epoch values”中找到两条途径:

  • 在目标端(如果您有权访问),导入任何待处理的同步数据包 (multitool syncreplica -import -receive)
  • 或(我的解决方案)重新导出所有 vob:multitool mkreplica -export -maxsize 200m -nc... 并导入它

同时检查技术说明“Replicated VOB cannot import or export packets from scheduled jobs

ERROR: command './bin/multitool syncreplica -export  -fship    replica:<replica-name>@/<vob-tag> >&2' encountered error.
Target replica(s) up to date. No export stream generated.


Diagnosing the problem

On the host, run a multitool lsreplica -l command while inside a view and VOB context. By examining the output, you should see there is more than one replica on the same host which is invalid.

Resolving the problem

Contact IBM Rational Client Support for assistance in resolving this issue providing the following information:

  • Output of a cleartool describe -l vob:<vob-tag> on in the "good" VOB to obtain the actual replica name.
  • Output of a multitool lsreplica -l to get the replica name of the duplicate replica on that host. This will also identify the mastering replica.

我猜 "the other site" 是 ANTWERP_3。如果不是,那么有人搞砸了从备份恢复副本,你可能遇到比 "not syncing" 更大的潜在问题。 (剪切和粘贴结果中的错误,顺便说一句)

在,试试看你是否可以 运行 multitool lsepoch -actual CHENNAI_1@/vobs/esam/configspecs 你应该看到 CHENNAI_1 从第一个站点开始的行。如果是这样,运行 multitool chepoch -actual CHENNAI_1@/vobs/esam/configspecs 并再次导出。您应该导出(使用 -fship)大约 4 个更改。一旦你从 multitool 收到一条消息,告诉你它已成功转发,然后 运行 一个 multitool syncreplica -import -receive at


  1. 您通常希望编辑 VOB 标签和主机名。
  2. VOB 描述是从无法确定 VOB 所有者或主要组的主机完成的,如果这是从 VOB 服务器主机完成的,您需要解决这个问题,因为它可能会阻止应用更新。

如果这不是身份保留副本,我会建议重置 VOB 所有者和主要组 (cleartool protectvob -chown ... -chgrp ... /net/in0oianas002/in0oianas002_SAS_U1/C-T3-P-fad-vobs08/configspecs.vbs),然后使用 vob- sidwalk -unknown -execute ... 以重新保护 "nobody" 个对象)如果这是一个身份保留副本,请在执行此操作之前验证其他站点以了解其他站点是否具有不同的用户 ID 存储库。