图灵论可计算数字 - 我无法理解如何重现示例

Turing's On Computable Numbers - I cannot understand how to reproduce examples

我最近才开始阅读一些 CS 论文,其中第一篇是图灵的 "On computable numbers",他在其中提供了打印 010101 序列的机器配置示例。我明白它应该如何工作,但我很难理解为什么它在这些操作中有两个 R 动作:

m-config | symbol | operations | final m-config
         |  None  |     P0     |       b
    b    |   0    |   R, R, P1 |       b
         |   1    |   R, R, P0 |       b





第 1 步:R、R、P1

0 1

第 2 步:R、R、P0

0 1 0

第 3 步:R、R、P1

0 1 0 1

所以基本上它工作得很好,但是纸上明确指出这台机器应该打印出 010101,磁带上没有任何空白。但是因为在打印之后我们总是向右移动两次,这意味着我们总是在磁带上留下一个空白方块。有人可以帮助我了解我做错了什么吗?


Computing machines.

If an a-machine prints two kinds of symbols, of which the first kind (called figures) consists entirely of 0 and 1 (the others being called symbols of the second kind), then the machine will be called a computing machine. If the machine is supplied with a blank tape and set in motion, starting from the correct initial m-configuration, the subsequence of the symbols printed by it which are of the first kind will be called the sequence computed by the machine.

示例中的机器实际上是在磁带上打印 0B1B0B1B0...,但它计算的序列被定义为仅由 0 和 1 组成的 0B1B0B1B0... 的子序列,因此 01010....

我可耻地承认我从未读过原始论文,但我想这可能用于简化计算:允许数字之间的空白从重新压缩(和无聊)步骤中省去 programmer/mathematicians。