找不到任何 Directx3D 12 示例

Can't find any Directx3D 12 examples

现在我想了解 Directx 12 并阅读 msdn。它说

Working samples are installed with the SDK which demonstrate the following:

我在这里找到了 d3d C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\Redist\D3D 但是 Directx 12 的样本在哪里? 谢谢。

这些示例目前仅供参与 DX12 抢先体验计划的开发人员使用,尽管文档中引用了这些示例,但目前仍不可用。

据我所知 here 有一个 public 样本可用。查看 Sample3DSceneRenderer.cpp 以了解如何使用 DX12 渲染内容的示例。

Microsoft 发布了一个 GitHub 存储库,其中包含多个 DirectX 12 示例 here

除了 DirectX-Graphics-Samples GitHub repo, there are some basic Direct3D 12 samples in the Xbox-ATG-Samples GitHub repo, a set of game-focused Direct3D 12 enabled Visual Studio templates here, and the DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12 tutorials 中的官方 DirectX 团队示例。

If you are not already an expert user of Direct3D 11, then you should focus on learning Direct3D 11 before tackling Direct3D 12. DirectX 12 is an API designed for graphics experts and is quite unforgiving to newbies. Generally if you are not already hitting the CPU performance limits of Direct3D 11, you don't need Direct3D 12.