
Generalization of strong and closed profunctors

我在看 类 强大而封闭的发音者:

class Profunctor p where
    dimap :: (a' -> a) -> (b -> b') -> p a b -> p a' b'
class Profunctor p => Strong p where
    strong :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
class Profunctor p => Closed p where
    closed :: p a b -> p (c -> a) (c -> b)


我注意到 (->) a(,) a 都是内函子。似乎 StrongClosed 具有相似的形式:

class (Functor f, Profunctor p) => C f p where
    c :: p a b -> p (f a) (f b)


strong . strong ≡ dimap unassoc assoc . strong
closed . closed ≡ dimap uncurry curry . closed

lmap (first f) . strong ≡ rmap (first f) . strong
lmap (. f)     . closed ≡ rmap (. f)     . closed



所以我们需要的是对 (,)(->) 的抽象,它提供 assoc/curryfirst/[=20= 的概括].我将解决前者:

class Isotropic f where
  lefty :: f a (f b c) -> f (a,b) c
  righty :: f (a,b) c -> f a (f b c)
  -- lefty ≡ righty⁻¹

instance Isotropic (,) where
  lefty (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c)
  righty ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))

instance Isotropic (->) where
  lefty = uncurry
  righty = curry


newtype Biconst c a b = Biconst c

instance Isotropic (Biconst c) where
  lefty (Biconst c) = Biconst c
  righty (Biconst c) = Biconst c


class Profunctor p => Stubborn p where
  stubborn :: p a b -> p (Biconst d c a) (Biconst d c b)


class Profunctor p => Stubborn p where
  stubborn :: p a b -> p d d


instance Stubborn (->) where
  stubborn _ = id
instance (Monad m) => Stubborn (Kleisli m) where
  stubborn (Kleisli _) = Kleisli pure
instance (Monoid m) => Stubborn (Forget m) where
  stubborn (Forget _) = Forget $ const mempty

我怀疑 (,)(->) 真的是唯一有用的情况,因为它们分别是“自由双函数”/“自由profunctor”。

您可以将 Choice 添加到列表中。 StrongChoice(或笛卡尔坐标和柯笛坐标,Jeremy Gibbons 称它们为)都是 Tambara 模块的示例。我在 profunctor optics 上的博客 post 中讨论了包含 Closed 的一般模式(跳至讨论部分),名称为 Related.