从 SimpleRow 的选定日期设置 calendar.selectedDate

Setting calendar.selectedDate from the Selected Date of a SimpleRow

我在从 listView 中选择日期时打开日历弹出窗口 helpItem1,一切正常!我想做的是每次选择不同的列表项时将 calendar.selectedDate 设置为 listView 项的日期。

我用来创建 listView 的数组 (userModel) 的摘录是:

{"date":1551960000000, "name": user1},{"date":1552046400000, "name": user1},{"date":1552219200000, "name": user1}


ListPage {
    id: userPage

    model: userModel

    delegate: SimpleRow {
                  id: userRow
                  width: userPage.width
                  text: modelData.name
                  detailText: new Date(modelData.date).getTime() 
                  onSelected: {
                      helpItem1.visible = true
                      calendar.selectedDate = new Date(modelData.date).getTime()

    Item { 
        id: helpItem1
        visible: false

        Rectangle {
            id: calendarPage
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            width: parent.width
            height: parent.height           

            AppButton {
                id: backButton
                onClicked:  {
                    helpItem1.visible = false
                //Button used to close the `helpItem1` pop-up 
            Flow {
                id: row
                Calendar {
                    id: calendar
                    focus: true
                    selectedDate: new Date() 
                // Rest of calendar Code


我如何获取每个 SimpleRow 项目的选定日期,并在弹出窗口打开时将其设置为 calendar.selectedDate


SimpleRow.onSelected: {calendar.selectedDate = new Date(modelData.date).getTime()}


在调整后的 9 分钟内,我想通了:

从我的 onSelected {...} 部分中删除 .getTime() 一切正常!

onSelected: {
    helpItem1.visible = true
    calendar.selectedDate = new Date(modelData.date)