
Is there a way to get clap to use default values from a file?

我正在使用 clap 编写一个 CLI 来解析我的参数。我想为选项提供默认值,但如果有配置文件,配置文件应该胜过默认值。


  1. 命令行参数
  2. 配置文件
  3. 默认值

如果配置文件不是由命令行选项设置的,设置它也很容易,只需在 运行 parse_args 之前解析配置文件并提供来自解析后的配置文件为 default_value。问题是,如果您在命令行中指定配置文件,则只有在解析之后才能更改默认值。

我能想到的唯一方法是不设置 default_value,然后在 value_of 中手动匹配 ""。问题是,在那种情况下,clap 将无法构建有用的 --help.

有没有办法让 clap 读取配置文件本身?

来自 clap 关于 default_value 的文档:

NOTE: If the user does not use this argument at runtime ArgMatches::is_present will still return true. If you wish to determine whether the argument was used at runtime or not, consider ArgMatches::occurrences_of which will return 0 if the argument was not used at runtime.



extern crate clap;
use clap::{App, Arg};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let matches = App::new("MyApp")
        .about("Example for Whosebug")
                .help("Sets a custom config file"),
                .help("Sets an example parameter")

    let mut value = String::new();

    if let Some(c) = matches.value_of("config") {
        let file = File::open(c);
        match file {
            Ok(mut f) => {
                // Note: I have a file `config.txt` that has contents `file_value`
                f.read_to_string(&mut value).expect("Error reading value");
            Err(_) => println!("Error reading file"),

        // Note: this lets us override the config file value with the
        // cli argument, if provided
        if matches.occurrences_of("example") > 0 {
            value = matches.value_of("example").unwrap().to_string();
    } else {
        value = matches.value_of("example").unwrap().to_string();

    println!("Value for config: {}", value);

// Code above licensed CC0
// https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/ 


Value for config: default_value
./target/debug/example --example cli_value
Value for config: cli_value
./target/debug/example --config config.txt
Value for config: file_value
./target/debug/example --example cli_value --config config.txt
Value for config: cli_value