是否需要 OBR 段才能查看 HL7 消息中的 OBX 段附件?

Is OBR segment required to view the OBX segment attachments in HL7 message?

我正在尝试解析版本为 2.3.1 的 HL7 消息文件。解析消息时,OBX 段为空。

如果我在 HL7 消息中没有 OBR 段,Terser 无法获取 OBX 段值(它返回空值),那么 OBR 段是否必须查看 HL7 消息中的 OBX 附件?

OBX segment mainly carry clinical report data. It is mainly used in ORU message and rarely with ORMADT等。此段是可选的,可以在消息中重复。


ORU (Observation Result) messages should contain the OBR segment followed by the OBX segment for each observation.

关于它在 ORM 消息中的用法:

Usage in the ORM Message
In an ORM message, the OBR segment is part of an optional group that provides details about the order. When the order placer creates the ORM message, they will include the Placer Order Number in the OBR-2 and/or ORC-2 fields. These two fields should contain the same information, and at least one of the two must contain the placer order number. The message may contain multiple orders for which the rules still apply.

关于它在 ORU 消息中的用法:

Usage in the ORU Message
In an ORU message, the OBR segment is used as a report header and contains important information about the order being fulfilled (i.e. order number, request date/time, observation date/time, ordering provider, etc.). It is part of a group that can be used more than once for each observation result that is reported in the message.

When the filler creates the ORU message, they will include the Filler Order Number (such as an accession number) in the OBR-3 and/or ORC-3 fields. If the filler order number is not present in the ORC-3, it must be present in the OBR-3 because the ORC segment is optional in the ORU message.

考虑到这一点,OBRORUORM(可选组)消息中的强制段。这与 OBX 段对 OBR 段的依赖无关。

为了回答您的评论,我从未使用过 REF 消息。但是,首先 google 搜索给了我 this。看起来 OBR 在这些消息中是强制性的。

虽然 OBR 段在 HL7 标准中被声明为大多数消息的强制性,但您使用的解析器软件可能允许您将其设置为可选。

尽管只有在有充分理由说明发送系统不能或不会在消息中包含 OBR 段时,才应考虑决定这样做。