将临时列表转换为 Coq 中的依赖类型列表

Transform casual list into dependently typed list in Coq

我在 Coq 中有以下列表定义:

Variable A : Set.
Variable P : A -> Prop.
Hypothesis P_dec : forall x, {P x}+{~(P x)}.

Inductive plist : nat -> Set :=
   pnil : plist O
  | pcons : A -> forall n, plist n -> plist n
  | pconsp : forall (a:A) n, plist n -> P a -> plist (S n)

它描述了"list of elements of type A where at least n of them fulfill predicate P"。

我的任务是创建将临时列表转换为 plist 的函数(最大可能 n)。我的尝试是先统计所有匹配P的元素,然后根据结果设置输出类型:

Fixpoint pcount (l : list A) : nat :=
  match l with
  | nil => O
  | h::t => if P_dec h then S(pcount t) else pcount t

Fixpoint plistIn (l : list A) : (plist (pcount l)) :=
  match l with
  | nil => pnil
  | h::t => match P_dec h with
          | left proof => pconsp h _ (plistIn t) proof
          | right _ => pcons h _ (plistIn t) 

但是,我在 left proof:

In environment
A : Set
P : A -> Prop
P_dec : forall x : A, {P x} + {~ P x}
plistIn : forall l : list A, plist (pcount l)
l : list A
h : A
t : list A
proof : P h
The term "pconsp h (pcount t) (plistIn t) proof" has type
 "plist (S (pcount t))" while it is expected to have type
 "plist (pcount (h :: t))".

问题是 Coq 无法看到 S (pcount t) 等于 pcount (h :: t) 知道 P h,这已经被证明了。我不能让 Coq 知道这个真相。


您可以使用依赖模式匹配,因为结果类型 plist (pcount (h :: t)) 取决于 P_dec hleft 还是 right


Fixpoint plistIn (l : list A) : (plist (pcount l)) :=
  match l with
  | nil => pnil
  | h::t => match P_dec h as p return plist (if p then _ else _) with
          | left proof => pconsp h (pcount t) (plistIn t) proof
          | right _ => pcons h _ (plistIn t) 

替换p := P_dec h时,类型plist (if p then _ else _)必须等于plist (pcount (h :: t))。然后在每个分支中,比如说left proof,你需要产生plist (if left proof then _ else _)(减少到左边的分支)。

Coq 可以推断出这里下划线中的内容,这有点神奇,但为了安全起见,您始终可以拼写出来:if p then S (pcount t) else pcount t(这意味着与 [=26= 的定义完全匹配) ]).